Friday, July 3, 2009

My tort will go on and on...

Once more, the judge opens the door, and the city's suit against Wells Fargo will go on

Constellation must submit to MD regulatory authority

"Md. Prisons, Wireless Industry at Odds Over Jamming Inmate Cellphones"

Medicine Shoppe pharmacist gets federalle indictmentte

Funeral-home fondler kicked out of shul

Alleged rapists arrested


  1. Of course the suit against Wells continues....

    The government forces them to lend to sub-prime losers and now they get sued for lending to sub-prime losers.

    If I was a bank, I would liquidate everything and cash out because with the new idiot in charge, this will become the rule not the exception.

  2. Hey Mel,

    Refresh my memory... who was President when Wells Fargo was originally forced to lend to subprime losers? It certainly wasn't the current President to whom who refer to as an idiot. Where was your outrage five years ago?

  3. No it was Dodd and Frank who laid the groundwork to lend to people who shouldn't get loans.

    Where in my post was politics inserted?

  4. Who else were you referring to when you wrote "idiot in charge"? Almost all of your comments are political in nature, so why should I have thought any differently?

  5. When I said "new idiot", logic dictates that there was an "old idiot". Right? Think, do not emote.
