Sunday, July 5, 2009

Another downtown brawl


More mob-violence craziness! Two teens were stabbed in the course of a fight last night at Baltimore & Charles; 33-year-old Derrick Devon Thornton was apprehended. Thornton's robust criminal record includes an arrest for first-degree murder in 2003.

A person attacked in Federal Hill

Don't miss the NYT on the "incarceration generation"

Steve McNair's death may have been a murder/suicide

WTF?! Former crackhead/DC mayor Marion Barry arrested for stalking! Why do people keep re-electing that lewzer?

Blogger Bob Parkinson: Baltimore needs the Mafia


  1. Let's keep in mind regarding the 'incarceration generation', that the so-called costs to society may include many components.... each of which has been caused by the perpetrator.

    It's all their own fault.

    If we think there are intergenerational costs as well, then maybe we should reinstitute forced labor so that these bastards can be forced to pull their own weight and not dump the burden onto society's shoulders.

  2. Marion Barry was accused of stalking by a woman who had lunch with him that day. I do not have a lot of respect for Barry, but this is probably a bogus charge.

  3. I'm interested in learning more about these alleged misdeeds of Marion Barry recently too. Marion Barry may be guilty of harassment but he might just be guilty of attempting to speak to someone who didn't want to be bothered. There is a fine line.

    The reason I question this is that he was arrested by the Park Police which is an organization doesn't have a good grasp of legal and illegal but go more with just doing what they want to do. Stay tuned on that story. My prediction: They have no evidence and he walks.
