Thursday, July 2, 2009


Three shootings in six hours last night

Guilty plea from second suspect in the Timonium Light Rail kidnapping case

Hermann rides with animal control to visit a(n alleged) drug dealer and dog owner in need of leashes, manzierre

Hopkins Bayview agrees to $2.75 million settlement, denies stealing from government

Another church smote!? Bethel AME is the third church burned down by a lightning strike in three years! There was the Baptist church of the Holy Bentley in July of '07, the Methodist church in Hampden last August. There was also a Baptist church struck by lightning, but not burned down, in May.

1 comment:

  1. With God, nothing is coincidence! One would only have to read through the Bible and see how many times the device of lightening was used to send a message to His followers when they were going astray. Temples with questionable wayward leadership were often destroyed.
