Saturday, August 15, 2009

Chinese Cuisine Teens Get <Five Years

Remember those laughing girls?

In April, police and prosecutors said they charged the wrong guy for the shooting, now two teens have been sentenced.
From the SA's office:
State’s Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy announced today that two teenage cousins, David Jefferson, 17, of the 2700 block Tivoly Avenue and Kevin Johnson, 15, of the same address, pleaded guilty today to second degree attempted murder, handgun and robbery counts after admitting their involvement in a highly publicized shooting of a patron at a Harford Road carryout on August 6, 2008, captured by store video camera.

The Honorable Martin P. Welch imposed a sentence of 25 years, suspend all but 7 years, first 5 years without parole and 5 years probation for David Jefferson and a sentence of 25 years, suspend all but 9 years, first 5 years without parole and 5 years probation for Kevin Johnson. State prosecutors offered 25 years, suspend all but 12 years, first 5 without parole, but are bound by a court offer in a plea agreement. The plea occurred in open court and the victim did not make a statement. The crime occurred when Jefferson and Johnson, who was 14 years old at the time of the incident, and shot the victim, rifled the victim’s pocket for money and found none, and then fired shots in front of onlookers who were near the carryout.

The facts of the case are: On August 6, 2008, just after midnight, Baltimore police officers responded to the Chinese Cuisine Carryout at 2700 Harford Road for a shooting call. Victim Marvin Edmonds was shot in the left leg at that location. Edmonds had ordered food and was waiting for his order when David Jefferson entered the carryout. Jefferson had a bandana tied over the lower part of his face and was carrying a handgun. Jefferson pushed Edmonds against the wall, placed the gun to his neck and started going through Edmonds' pockets.

At that time, Kevin Johnson entered the carryout also with a bandana tied over the bottom of his face and carrying a handgun. Johnson walked over to Edmonds and placed his gun against Edmond’s head. After not being able to take any property from Edmonds, both Jefferson and Johnson turned to leave. The two then turned around, aimed their guns and fired at Edmonds. Edmonds was struck one time in the leg. The entire incident was captured on the store’s video surveillance camera. Witnesses identified Jefferson and Johnson as the two gunmen in the store. Jefferson waived his Miranda Rights and agreed to speak with officers. He identified himself on the store video tape and confessed to his part in the robbery and shooting. Johnson was arrested in April of 2009. He waived his Miranda Rights and confessed to his involvement in the shooting.

Both statements were entered into evidence during the plea agreement.

FIVE prosecutor Kelly Madigan prosecuted the case.


  1. I have a feeling that they won't do 5 years in the slammer.I think that some will get off on good behavior,then they will commit another crime and end up not getting time.It is the revolving door in Baltimore City.

  2. 5 years without parole is pretty clear to me. 5 years without parole. Michael Lantz Blog, do you have some information others don't?

  3. You still get "good time credit" on a 5 w/o sentence. It comes out to around 2.5 - 3 years.

  4. How does 7 years and 9 years = 5 years. One kid got 7 and one got 9...then they'll be on probation for 5 years and have the 18 and 16 hanging over their heads if the violate. The victim did not want to proceed, although that's not his choice. He got shot and wanted to let it go!

  5. In this state it happens all the time, Cham.Most of the harden criminals have a rap sheet about a mile long,and they are put back on the streets.The judges keep letting them out.

  6. How can these kids be "harden" criminals? One is 17, the other 15. The victim is the one ray of sunshine in this mess.

  7. Cham you claim to live in Baltimore....

    "How can these kids be "harden" criminals?"

    Please. Look around you and the zoo that you live in.

    Think, don't feel.
