Friday, August 7, 2009

DEA Madness

It's official, commemorative Obama excstacy pills are now be made available to the general public.

(Speaking of drugs, sounds like cocaine killed Billy Mays, Len-Bias style -- MJB)


  1. It's one thing for the IV to post all of their stories here directly, but are they going to start regularly posting ones from Philly too? I'm referring to the McDonald's one, of course. I'm all for out of town stories if they're particularly interesting or transcend municipal boundaries. That story.. not so much

  2. hmmm I guess the Billy Mays story is one of national interest since he is kind of well known to TV watchers. You know? You want to be able to go into the office or go to a party and have fun facts like that to discuss with your friends and co-workers. "Hey...did you know that cocaine played a role in the death of Billy Mays?"

  3. Jeez Luize, first the Shamwow guy had a fight with his hooker and now we find that Billy Mays was using the happy powder. Who can we trust these day?

    As far as which stories get posted, that would be up to the blog writers. It's their blog they can write what they want.
