Monday, August 3, 2009

Gone in 11 days

Thugs chased family out of the city just eleven days after they move in.


  1. also I get email alerts from work here at Johns Hopkins over here in East Baltimore.

    This just in:

    "It has been reported to Corporate Security that staff members have been assaulted off campus while riding their bicycles on East Monument and East Madison streets between the East Baltimore campus and downtown. Groups of juveniles have attacked the staff members and, in one case, attempted to rob the victim. The Baltimore City Police Department has been notified.

    Staff members are advised to avoid these areas altogether and are further advised to be extra cautious if they choose to ride their bicycles on or near East Monument Street or East Madison Street."

    Uh...avoid these areas? Duh. Looks like a warzone. A zoo.

  2. It's monkey island. My favorite place in any zoo. You can watch the monkeys hit each other with sticks, bang each other, and throw their shit at each other.

  3. tom---when I worked at JHH Corporate Security, I was always amazed that staff would walk down Monument Street toward downtown, while chatting on their cell phones. Of course, usually nothing happened, but.........And sometimes I would see staff, even at night, walking to their cars in mostly vacant areas of Madison Street north of the hospital.

    I mean, it's good folks are trusting and not afraid, (after all they're in healthcare), but sometimes a bit of caution is in order.

  4. i have been following this blog for a while to keep up to date on crime in the city. but i have been absolutely horrified by the racist (this post), homophobic (the post about the 2 openly gay cops) comments being left. mel, you should be ashamed of yourself.
