Friday, August 21, 2009

No Bail for Hate Teens

Reports Joe of the SAO:
"Judge Jack I. Lesser ordered Zachary Watson and Emmanuel Miller, charged with attempted first-degree murder, held without bail at a bail review hearing today. The court scheduled a preliminary hearing date of September 19, 2009 for both defendants."


  1. Lawyers. The poor vitim of this crime will get NO calls from trial lawyers to help him get "justice". Do you know why? The perps do not have a pot to piss in. There's NO MONEY in it.

    Now if the same victim was jaywalking at 11PM and gets hit by a soccer mom in an SUV from Columbia. He would have 50 lawyers knocking his door down in the hospital to get to him.

  2. I wonder where the state has these two cherubic haters stashed? They may not make it to their trial.

  3. It was a just a couple of white kids who "made some poor choices". The are just frustrated and enraged by society.

    We don't need to see any more young white males in jail......

  4. Actually, it WAS just a couple of white kids who made some poor choices and are frustrated and enraged by society. They are no different from all the young black and latino kids that commit crimes before all their hormones adjust and they settle down into adulthood.

    What are the chances these kids were raised by single moms? I bet pretty high. The don't look like they were raised in Roland Park. Mom, who probably has problems herself, could probably no longer deal with her badly behaved growing boys turns a blind eye to their activities and whereabouts (this crime was committed at 3AM). A gang offers these kids refuge and camraderie, filling their heads about them deserving unearned respect. Then the dysfunctional and violent leader decides they need to participate in an act of violence with him. Add some beer and drugs to the mix, and one old black man fishing on pier late at night, et voila. You end up with 40 years to life of attempted or..... maybe.... murder.

    Let's say these kids make it through their trial and they end up in a prison with an Aryan Brotherhood style gang, if they are so lucky. They are looking at spending 40 years attached to the idiots in the Aryan Brotherhood. That sounds like something that is going to get old after 6 months. That's a lot of years spent talking to the same 30 stupid idiots over and over again about white supremacy. The death penalty would be a better option.

  5. So what is the solution to women pumping out kids that they do not want to raise with a man present?

    I am tired of dancing around problems here. These people are producing animals and who is man/women enough to stop them?

    No one.

  6. I would stick to geocaching.
