Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy Friday...

Shooting at 2200 McCullough.

Del. Cardin pays $300 for his wedding proposal stunt and writes a letter of apology.

Teen who killer her grandmother denied transfer to juvenile justice...

...while the teen driver in the Odenton firebombing gets probation.

Man found stabbed, critically wounded in Glen Burnie; woman arrested.

Gang vandalism at a church possibly related to funeral of victim.

And Mayor Dixon isn't happy with the comparisons between Bawlmer and Madchester. No, wait, it was all a hoax!!!.

Not crime related, but did you see that the Brass Elephant is closing?!?


  1. .. it is crime-related, I got ripped off on a bottle of wine there!

  2. Bwhahahaha! Hermann was totally punk'd! I gotta repost the column because I have a feeling it will get taken down:

    Mayor takes on British pol on Wire

    Mayor Sheila Dixon has launched her Twitter page and among her very first tweets is link to a defense of Baltimore following a disparaging statement from a British politician who compared his city of Manchester to that of The Wire.

    He made his statements after riding with police there and noting that the city had 35 murders last year, none of which were committed with a gun and was reported by the Machnester Evening News. The city apparently is struggling with gang issues. He said, "It’s the world of the drama series The Wire."

    To which Dixon responded:

    Fellow citizens

    This week I was alerted to a speech made by a Member of the British Parliament, a Mr Chris Grayling, who suggested his country should fear becoming like our city of Baltimore as portrayed in the HBO series, The Wire. We all watched The Wire and while it was sometimes a heart-breaking reflection of reality, it was in the main, merely entertaining fiction.

    The television show failed to reflect the best we have in this city, our sense of community, our hospitality and our proud history and culture. To present a television show as the real Baltimore is to perpetuate a fiction that dishonours our city. It is as pointless as boasting that Baltimore has a per capita homicide rate a fraction of that in the popular UK television show Midsomer Murders.

    The Baltimore Police Department is working hard to protect the people of this city and it should be remembered that The Wire was just a television show. As this video shows, there is so much more to Baltimore than The Wire.

    Posted by Peter Hermann at 1:04 PM |

  3. .. it is crime-related, I got ripped off on a bottle of wine there!

    Nice one.

    Funny, after I saw the first post about Dixon's response, I tried for a while to find her tweets on the subject, but got nowhere. Then, the Guardian piece showed up. Hilarious.

    Does it seem like now that everyone's posting, nobody's commenting much? Too many chefs? ;)

  4. On an entirely unrelated note, I was watching Top Chef last night and one of the brothers on the show had on a backwards baseball cap. I just kept thinking about your comments on the only appropriate time to wear hats in such a manner - it still cracks me up!

  5. yes, it's only appropriate if you're a catcher

  6. and I really DID get ripped off on a bottle of wine-- I ordered a $30 bottle and they brought me a $60 bottle-- and it wasn't an innocent mistake, either, the two bottles were nowhere near each other on the list and had completely different names. But, they said, because it was already opened we would have to buy it!!

  7. .. they gave us a $20 gift certificate for our "next visit" ... as if!

  8. The "Teen who killer her grandmother denied transfer to juvenile justice" story has the interesting detail that the Hampden bus-beater perp (I'm assuming she means Britny Carter) was sent to "an out-of-state residential anger-management program."
    Wonder where, and what goes on there?

  9. I never ate at the Brass Elephant although I did have sex with one of the chef's there at one point in time long ago. I'd give the sex 3 out of 5 stars.
