Saturday, August 22, 2009

SW Police Stumble Upon 13 Pounds of Pot, Gun

Posts the BPD:
On August 20th, Southwest District Detective Unit was in the 4500 block of Frederick Ave staging for a search and seizure warrant. Unrelated to the warrant, officers observed some drug activity involving a silver 2006 Scion with a white male driver. At this point a second white male came from the driveway of 4509 Frederick Ave. He had a large clear plastic bag (1lb 7 oz.) with appeared to suspected drugs.

Officers secured the suspects and recovered the following:

13 lbs. 13 oz of Marijuana, a .40 cal semi auto S&W handgun and $6,445 in cash.

Suspects arrested:
Derek Haller, W/M, dob: 10/8/89, 11XX Rear Braddock Rd. Cumberland, Md.

Gerald Staples, W/M, dob; 11XXX McMullen Hwy, Cumberland, Md.

Donte Clark, B/M, dob: 6/3/74, 45XX frederick Rd. Balto. Md.21229


  1. I'm confused about a couple of things. First, was this bounty on it's way to or from Cumberland? I'm envisioning some amber waves of potted grain growing at the foothills of Dans Mountain. Kentucky is plush but Maryland soil might have some potential we didn't know about.

    Second, you have one group of white trash from Curtis Bay declaring white supremacy and beating up old black men. Now you have this other crew out of Western Maryland rendezvousing in Pigtown with their black drug-dealing brethren. Which way are you planning to swing, white trash crackers? Are blacks evil or potential business partners?

  2. Pigtown? No, 4500 Frederick Rd. is all the way out by Mt. St. Joseph's school near Catonsville.

  3. hillbilly mountain folk have been traveling to Balto for many years to cop dope...this is nothing new...they stick out like a sore thumb too...police call it "honky huntin"

  4. So what do you call black trash, Cham?

    Why do you hate white people?

    There have been at least five murders since the fisherman attack. Where is your outrage about that?
