Thursday, August 6, 2009

Unjust dessert

McDonald's employees can get a little testy if you complain about the size of your McFlurry


  1. Who's dummber? the employee? the customer? or the company for letting the employee keep his job there. I'm pretty sure there will be a law suit.

  2. Also, here's the latest update on crime in Charles VIllage:

    Keeping Charles Village Safe and Clean
    2434St Paul Street
    Baltimore,MD 21218
    410-235-4411/www.charlesvillage .org

    Charles Village Crime Alert

    7/26/09 – 08/01/09

    Aggravated Assault – 2500 blk Greenmount Avenue 7/29/09 3:25 am

    The victim was stopped at the traffic light when three suspects
    approached and entered his vehicle. The suspects then pointed the weapon at
    the victim’s. Victims fled the vehicle, the suspects fled in the
    victim’s vehicle westbound (w/b) on Lorraine Avenue.

    Aggravated Assault – 100 blk W. 21^ST Street 7/26/09 5:30 pm

    The suspect attempted to hit the victim with a hammer. Suspect was

    Armed Robbery (Attempt)- 2200 blk St. Paul Street 7/28/09 5:00 am

    The victim was standing on the bus-stop when she was approached by the
    suspect. The suspect attempted to make conversation before implying that he
    had a weapon and demanded the victim’s property. The victim fled the
    area. The suspect fled as well.

    Armed Robbery Commercial 2400 BLK N. Charles Street 7/28/09 11:15 am

    The suspects entered the store inquiring about a video game. The suspects
    then brandished a silver semi- automatic handgun and demanded money from
    the register and safe. The suspects retrieved the property and fled on foot
    Southbound (s/b).

    Armed Robbery (Carjacking) 2500 blk Greenmount Avenue 7/29/09 3:25 am

    See above listed Aggravated Assault incident.

    Robbery (unarmed) 2600 blk Greenmount Avenue 7/28/09 11:30 pm

    The victim and suspect were involved in an argument. The suspect grabbed
    the victim around her neck and pulled her purse from her shoulder. The
    suspect then fled on foot.

    Robbery Commercial (armed) blk 2400 St. Paul Street 7/29/09 7:40 pm

    The suspects entered the victim the location armed with a handgun. The
    suspects then ordered everyone inside of the location to the floor. The
    suspects removed the currency from the registers and fled the location S/B
    on ST. Paul Street.

    Armed Robbery 2100 blk N Calvert Street 7/26/09 5:07am

    The suspect approached the victim and produced a silver revolver. The
    suspect advised the victim to give up her property, the victim complied.
    The suspect fled S/B on Calvert St.

    Armed Robbery 400 blk 26^th Street 7/26/09 5:20 pm

    The suspect approached the victim and produced a syringe and stated
    “give me your money and phone, I have AIDS”. The victim complied with
    the suspects orders. The suspect fled S/B on Greenmount Avenue.

    Burglary Commercial – 2600 blk. St. Paul Street 7/29/09 9:00 pm –
    5:20 pm (next day)

    An unknown suspect entered the location through an unknown entry point.
    The suspect attempted to pry open an office door and tampered with a file
    cabinet, No Property taken.

    Larceny from Auto – 500 blk. W. 23^RD Street 7/30/09 12:00pm – 2:10

    Suspect broke the victim’s window, taking 1 Garmin GPS System

    Larceny from Auto – 400 Ilchester Avenue 7/28/09 9:00 – 08:00 am –
    6:00 pm

    Suspect stole the victims tag sticker

    Larceny from Auto – 2400 N Charles Street 7/27/09 11:01 am – 12:00 pm

    Suspect broke the victim’s window, removing CD case w/ CD’S

    There was a major increase in robberies over the last seven days. Larceny
    from automobiles and burglaries are way down. There were no stolen
    automobiles this past week.

  3. Some people get especially obnoxious while placing their order at the Mickey Dees. I'm not so sure I am opposed to a little employee blowback in some cases. Although, punching out an eye is taking things to an extreme.
