Thursday, August 20, 2009

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Baltimore PoliceDept HOMICIDE: 125 S Highland Ave Adult Male shot Police investigating

Madison St. prison complex adding on to cram in more cons, bill to taxpayers est @>$280 million

Two teens arrested & charged as hate-crime accomplices, Emmanuel (or Emanuel) Miller, 16, and "Zachary" or "Zackary Dylon" Watson, 17. Meanwhile, the backstory on alleged ringleader Calvin Lockner is nightmare material.

Remember "Rolls Royce" lawyer (to the cocaine stars) Robert M. Simels? (if not, see here and here from the CP archives) Bloomberg/Fraud With Peril reports he's been convicted in NY of conspiring to tamper with witnesses.

Tasered mom sues County


  1. ahh more journalistic integrity from the sun...,0,5993880.story

  2. "When people pack assault rifles at presidential forums and town-hall meetings dissolve into shouting matches, it's easy to imagine such anger spilling over into the nation's simmering stew of racial prejudice."

    It is?
    ... pretty half-baked.
