Monday, September 21, 2009

166, 167

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unID'd man, 31, 2440 Maisel Court

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unID'd man, 613 Ashburton St.

Hermann has a recap of "the shootins," 12 incidents and 14 victims including the one on Yellowwood/ Yellowbrick on Friday.


  1. Hm. You think we'll actually hit 200 for the year?

    How sad is it that this actually is something to be proud of here.

    Not to mention the fact that it doesn't address the rampant assaults, burglary, and theft that occurs in this city.

    Do you think Blackwater would be available for domestic work?

  2. No one is proud of it if the number hits 200. We are here to simply inform people of crime in baltimore, not glorify it.

  3. the number is always well over 200. The stats are cooked.

  4. Nobody is actually interested in crime prevention. It's too much fun to talk about long sentences, severe punishments and stabbing people with criminal histories than to study why Baltimore has so much crime and craft preventative measures.

    200 is going to be a low expectation.

  5. Cham:

    Has it ever occurred to you that long sentences for criminals DO prevent crime? The fact that most murderers in Baltimore have long criminal records (generally including violent felonies) is well documented.

  6. Cham wants to "reach out" and understand why these people are animals.

    Just drive around Baltimore at around 1PM. You will see thousands of people standing on street corners and sitting on steps not working. They don't need to work, we pay for their food, room, and baby factories.
