Thursday, September 17, 2009

BPD: Ponts Had No Intent To Kill

Reports WBAL, but the Sun says a decision to press charges from the SAO could be "weeks away."
The Sunpapers also has new details that contradict the "noise in the basement" version of events, and an editorial in a thoroughly irritating, sanctimonious tone.
(Whoever wrote it, "they" likely will be scarred psychologically for years to come by the devastating knowledge of this Video American promotion)


  1. Now we are getting into some real murky waters:

    Police also confirmed that the Tuesday morning encounter did not take place inside of a garage but outside.

  2. Also murking it up, the neighbor quote: "I could hear [the intruder] screaming, [but] I thought he was being roughhoused and was just upset"

  3. I'm also a little confused about this lunging business. Is there a video to back up what Ponts claims happened? We are we so sure Mr. Rice lunged?

    Again, I'm not assuming he didn't lunge I just want to know which facts we have the confirm this.

  4. So there was no actual breaking and entering, and the robber wasn't armed. Sounds like involuntary manslaughter to me.

  5. ugh that editorial!
    Have "they" nothing better to do than speculate on how we ought to feel, how Ponts "probably" felt and what he's "liable" to feel in the future?

  6. Frankly, I don't care how Ponts feels.

  7. Personally, I like that Rice was in pain before death. Suffering is good for career criminals that have victimized so many innocent citizens. Plus, he died before they had a chance to take him to the hospital...which saved more of my tax dollars since they did not have to attempt to revive this scum bag!

    How much money over the years have we wasted on this worthless SOB? And why was he let out of jail early on an 18 month sentence? And why did Rice only get an 18 month sentence when this was his 29th arrest/conviction!?!?!? The "justice" system in this city is beyond broken. Too many bleeding heart liberals feeling sorry for the criminals and not giving a damn what has happened to the victim.

  8. I understand the police have not gathered all the evidence and all witness interviews have been completed. But it is entirely possible that in this particular case Mr. Pontolillo may be guilty of killing a backyard trespasser.

    Choose your words wisely JHU public relations department.

  9. *sigh*

    I knew there would be at least one person who'd side with the career criminal.

  10. That editorial was idiotic. Do they expect us to call the cops while cowering behind a locked door every time we hear a suspicious sound in our homes? Talk about the glorification of gutless victimhood.

  11. I'm not siding with anybody. You know as well as anyone that it is illegal to kill an outdoors trespasser. Was Mr. Rice in possession of anything that wasn't his? Did he threaten Mr. Pontolillo's health and safety? Can Mr. Pontilillo prove it? Who elected Mr. Pontolillo judge, jury and executioner of Mr. Rice's past transgressions?

    Inquiring minds wish to know.

  12. Go eff yourself, Cameron. There are many liberals like me who thought that Rice got what he deserved.

  13. Ah yes, Cham with the criminal empathy syndrome. I love it. This guy whacked human filth and you are wondering if he committed a crime.

    He is a hero who in any other town than Baltimore would be a hero.

  14. sometimes I wish I lived in that black & white world ... facts can be so inconvenient and messy!

  15. don't care what the criminal thought or felt. there's no more time for criminals in this city. grown men stop breaking into cars/houses. grow up and get a job. no more defense for you. we all gotta work.

  16. go eff your self i see folks on this site still dont like opinions from those outside their clique.

    Keeping asking the hard questions folks!

  17. I see we're already onto "death penalty for robbery/trespass" train
