Monday, September 21, 2009


Did last Tuesday's swordification of an intruder in Charles Village put a damper on burglarizing?
Hellz naw!
At least three in the area since, from JHU security via Spotcrime:

Burglary (Private Residence) – 220 E. University Parkway (north side) – Sept. 18th at 1:00 PM, a non-affiliate responded to his residence only to discover the front door forced open. The resident notified Baltimore Police who responded, searched the location and found an unauthorized male inside. The suspect was arrested and charged with residential burglary. 

(Private Residence / non-affiliate) – 3200 Blk. N. Calvert St. – On Sept. 19th between 1:27 AM and 1:33 AM, a non-affiliated community member was awakened by a noise from a 2nd floor bedroom and on checking into it observed an unknown male run down the stairs and out the 1st floor rear kitchen door. A jewelry box containing jewelry was discovered missing.  Entry is believed to have been gained via the unlocked kitchen door.  Baltimore Police responded.

(Private Residence / grad student) – Unit Blk. W. 27th St. – On Sept. 21st at 5:00 AM, a graduate student’s [sic] was awakened by a noise coming from her bathroom.  Upon investigating she heard someone on the fire escape and then observed an unknown male running down the alley. Inventory of the apartment revealed a laptop computer, Netbook and wallet were missing. Entry had been gained via an unlocked bathroom window.  Baltimore Police responded. Investigation continuing.


  1. Let's cut their hands off. That would stop them from stealing.

  2. While they Mayor and Commish obsess over thugs killing other thugs, ordinary residents risk these burglars every day, with seemingly no end! Check out the stats in the ND. Ridiculous! Stop the burglaries!!!

  3. Um...seeing as how there have been so many breakins recently, wouldn't it be the first step to LOCK YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. wouldn't it be the first step to LOCK YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS?

    You crazy liberals and your crazy liberal "solutions". Clearly the answer is cutting off people's hands for misdemeanors.

  6. At least the guy who burgled the sword dude's place will not be burgling anymore.
