Tuesday, September 1, 2009


A coalition of civil rights organizations claims the number of internet based hate groups is growing


  1. That's expected. When the "haves" start becoming the "have less" and the "have nots" start becoming the "have mores", then the number of hate groups will rise.

  2. One of the major problems of the FBI hate crimes reports is that "Hispanic" is a victim category, but not a perpetrator category.
    In other words, when hispanics attack "whites" it is a white on white crime, but when whites attack hispanics, it is listed as such.
    Hispanic vs. black violence is a serious problem, but classified as "white on black".

    "Hate Crimes" for all the hype, are still very, very rare by government statistics. In 2004 there were only 5 homicides classified as a hate crime in the entire US. There were 16,137 homicides that year.

    That said - blacks commit more hate crimes than whites, based on population. Blacks murder whites more often than whites murder blacks. And last but not least, black murder more than any other race or ethnicity.

    It's easy to stir up fears of widespread "hate-mongering", but the data isn't there to support it.

  3. "It's easy to stir up fears of widespread "hate-mongering", but the data isn't there to support it."

    Yep. Most murders (and I think most violent crime in general) is intra racial (blacks killing blacks, whites killing whites, etc.)

  4. The so-called "Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund" sounds like yet another organization that is in search of a purpose, so they try to generate hysteria about "hate groups." Most internet white supremacists are all talk. They act all tough when they're posting on Stormfront's message boards but in real life they're far too gutless to do anything. The real "hate groups" that we should be worried about are criminal gangs like MS-13.

  5. Kevin:

    Interracial crimes do not equal hate crimes, and I agree that they are rare. Hate crimes have to have a demonstrated motive based on the victim's race. The black guy who stuck a gun in my face and stole my money did not commit a hate crime, he just happened to commit a felony against a person of another race.

    My experience has been that we as white Americans are a lot more likely to express our dislike and hate of those "unlike" us via violence. The race-baiters and supremacists of the paler complexion for some reason feel like they are an aggrieved minority and need to act out to have some kind of power. Non-white race baiters know better. They're both deluded about how things are, but we whites definitely tend to be more violent.

  6. "Anonymous" said "Interracial crimes do not equal hate crimes, and I agree that they are rare."

    I didn't say they were the same. I made a series of claims, the first that blacks commit more hate crimes than whites (based on percentage of population). Then I stated they murder whites more than whites murder blacks, and last, as a group, they murder more than any racial or ethnic population that the government tracks. Three separate claims. I did not conflate them.

    Your anecdotal experience does not match mine, neither are really applicable. If you do want to speculate, I'd say that whites who express "racist" sentiments are treated differently in our culture. They ARE a minority, and they are least likely to be allowed to express those opinions without heavy repercussions.

    If you want to do down the anectodal route, I can do that, I think it's just easier to point to the raw numbers - "hate crimes" are rare, but if there should be concern, let's not pretend it's a "white problem".

  7. The whole concept of "hate crime" is stupid. People don't commit violent felonies out of love.

  8. Here's the thing with the hate crimes. Logic would dictate that if you don't want your crime to fall under hate crime rules you wouldn't join a hate group and shout racial epithets while you commit your violent act. But people who commit violent acts aren't also the ones that are up for Nobel prizes in Physics, so they are very likely to make these obvious mistakes. That is why hate crimes are so easy to classify.

  9. Cham,
    "Studies have established that most hate crimes are committed by single or small groups of young males unaffiliated with organized hate groups."*
    I find that, especially with the poorly rated SPLC, all the bruhaha about "Hate Groups" tends to be a great fund raiser, but a pretty weak way to make the world better.
    It's a red herring, taking attention away from the real problems of crime. It makes no sense to say "this murder is worse because the perpetrator said X and Y"... or the flipside - that random senseless crimes are somehow not as bad.
    You're right... save jail time by beating your victim quietly! That's the lesson they're teaching.


  10. http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/hc2007/incidents.htm

    Kevin, you're still right that hate crimes are rare. But I see here that whites have a nearly 5:1 greater frequency as offenders, according to UCR numbers on hate crimes (Table 9). Table 3 has offense type by offenders race: whites are up 3:1 here as well. Even if you factor out Latinos (whites are 74% of the US population), whites commit more of the crime motivated by racial, gender, and religious animosity.

    Yes, based on share of population, blacks commit more hate crimes. But that's a dodge-when it comes to share of hate crime, whites are committing more of them then any other group. When the vast majority of the population is white, using that basis will cover up any trend, since it melts into the giant pool of whiteness.

  11. You people crack me up. Arguing about whether a black blows the head off a white or a white blows the head off a black is a worse crime.

    Walk around Baltimore at night and I can predict which will happen. Call the FBI beforehand so you can be included in their next statistics.

    Also anything from the Southern "Poverty" Law Center is bogus. They are worth $200 million. I guess racism is a growth industry.
