Thursday, September 3, 2009

If you don't like the stories in the papers

.. write your own!
Posts the BPD on their Facebook page:

A BPD Repeat Customer - Convicted Murderer Roaming Streets with Illegal Gun Loaded w/ Hollowpoint Bullets

Today at 8:38am
This morning around midnight members of the Cherryhill crime reduction team were patrolling the rear side of Coppin court at 3300 Round Rd. when they observed two black males later identified as Jawan Gregory Simmons M/B 12/17/81 (Convicted Murderer currently on probation) and Allen Johnson M/B 7/19/82, (3 time shooting victim in Cherry Hill and currently on Parole until 09/21/09).

Operations units converged on the location and upon being recognized as police officers, both suspects dropped thier alcohol and ran in separate directions. Allen Johnson was immediatley arrested and Jawan Gregory Simmons ran a short distance and pulled a loaded .40 cal Smith and Wesson handgun on police, but decided that BPD would probably win a gun fight. Simmons decided to surrender and slowly placed the gun on the ground and was taken into custody with no further incident.

Recovered= .40 cal Smith and Wesson, loaded with one Magazine containing 10 rounds ( hollow points)

Great Job by All
... I miss copy editors.


  1. Jawan Gregory Simmons ran a short distance and pulled a loaded .40 cal Smith and Wesson handgun on police, but decided that BPD would probably win a gun fight.

    Finally, a criminal with some smarts.

  2. was that from an actual paper or a blog?? ridiculous. I've seen better writing on livejournal.
