Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'll Flip You, Bitch!!

Police shoot man armed with spatula. Actually, it's sad, shouldn't be flippant about it.

Melody Simmons on the legalities of self-defense in MD

... nonfatal shootings are down, but murders aren't. What's up with that?

The Ink puts names to numbers

15 months for the guy selling guns from his Lex market Utz stand
(... the link is fixed)

"Feds Seek to Keep GOP Donor's Drug Cash"

Lawyer: Mayor can explain that unexplained $$

Court of Appeals to cuckold: 13 years is too long to wait to challenge paternity.


  1. "What are you saying?"
    "I said he'll flip you."
    "He'll What?"
    "Flip you. Flip ya for real."

  2. somethings up with the CP utz link

  3. Paying child support for a child you didn't create is SO FUCKING WRONG.

    Another reason to flush the "justice" system
