Thursday, September 17, 2009

More brazen robberies in the Northern

The recent rash of thieving hasn't just been confined to the JHU area-- a prodigious list of robberies and burglaries in the Northern, including street robberies in the middle of the day.

"Fight over firing of public defender is far from over"

Police Tweet: "DRUG ARREST: NW Police Dog Woden sniffs out 1.5 lbs marijuana & $8,600 during car stop @ 2400 blk of W belvedere. Kevin Ennis arrested."

WTF?! County councilman's daughter, granddaughter, allegedly threatened, scratched and bit a police officer during a traffic stop

Speaking of brazen robberies: the last thing I'll ever post on ACORN


  1. Lock your goddamn doors, people. To quote Drill Sargeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket, "If it wasn't for dickheads like you, there wouldn't be any thievery in this world, would there?"
