Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Officer Fires Gun At Suspect Who Rammed Him With Car."
Damn skippy!

Septuagenarian David Weeks found murdered in White Marsh


  1. I'm so very, very sick and tired of the endless horseshit in this town.

    So... pretty much .......

    No One Here EVER Does Anything Wrong.


    Donald Rice has been a career scumbag for over 20 years. He has plagued this community with his existence. And his letter is a bunch of crap.

    I'm sick of these delusions of innocence.

    The Devil made me do it.

    The Man is keeping me down.

    Or how about... My Dog Ate My Homework.

    If you're going to lie to me, at least have the decency to make it entertaining.

  2. It is claimed that he aspired to be an attorney.

    Let me remind you,... an attorney is an officer of the court; an extension of the law.

    If his response to the unemployment consequences of committing serious crimes is "well, then I'll just break into people's homes and steal their stuff", then he would have made about the same quality an attorney as he was a human being: garbage.

    Donald Rice was human garbage.

    And herein lies the rub:

    Baltimore needs a greater intolerance for lawlessness. One in which officers of the court and human garbage are not deemed close substitutes.

    Until then, mainstream people will have nothing but contempt for Baltimore.

  3. "The haters are assembling."

    As opposed to the thug enablers?

  4. You know, there is a middle ground between being a "hater" and a "thug-enabler".

    The editorial in no way absolves Rice of what he did nor does it simply ooze with hate like everything mr Galt writes.

    You don't have to agree with everything Rodericks says to appreciate that Rice wasn't born as a piece of human garbage. He _became_ that way.

  5. Helix:

    Of all the people who Rodricks could have written a sympathetic piece about he picks Donald Rice? WTF! This was not some stupid punk kid whose life was screwed up by a felony conviction for selling some dope. He had 29 criminal convictions, which almost certainly means that he committed hundreds of crimes during his misspent life. Rodricks's column is a slap in the face to everyone who has ever been a crime victim.

  6. Yes. He did become that way. If only his juvie record was available so that you could see just how much earlier than 30 years ago he became that way.

    The problem, my dear Helix, is that Rice keeps referring to "the product I was forced into by the penal system".

    Now, I know that sometimes the police and the courts in Baltimore do it wrong. That's unfortunate. Very unfortunate. But Donald Race made his bed. Over and over again. He wasn't forced. He chose to violate people's homes, many times over 30 years.

    Bear in mind that if he were convicted 20 times, he was likely arrested 40 times. If arrested 40 times, then he likely burgled about 300 times.

    Forced ??

    His treatment within the penal system was, if anything, light.

    I agree with you. He certainly was not born that way. He may well have been raised that way. And repeatedly he chose to be that way.

    If we consider for a moment easing our judgement upon him based upon his 'becoming' that way, that would suggest holding his parent responsible for his crimes. Is that where you are going?

    I'd probably look favorably on the notion of jailing his forbears, if I knew their behavioral pasts, but I do not think that it would change the reality that he CHOSE to be a scumbag, whether upon the occurance of the first offense or of the last.

    IF one accepts that reality, why on earth should any decent person feel anything but contempt for such as Rice ??

    I see no purpose in contriving sympathy for people who are evil. That is, after all, why we call them evil.

  7. Does it even have to be said? Linda Trinh and Donte Allen. I had a friend at Hopkins of the same ethnicity who went to the same high school as Linda Trinh. My friend does cancer research. Donte Allen was unarmed. He only wanted stuff. His family said he might steal, but he would never hurt someone. Linda Trinh could be helping the world now, like my friend. I guess the Sun wants us to cower in fear, and hope the thug just takes our stuff and decides in his infinite mercy not to harm us. The gentlemen who beat the unarmed Zach Sowers to death weren't armed either. But I guess a teacher falsely accused them of being disruptive in class, and poof, they were turned into people whose humanity was damaged, and we can understand why they became what they became. BS.

  8. I agree with Helix, and think that I'm in that middle ground he speaks of. However, Rice's letter strikes me as self-serving. He says the first conviction he got over 30 years ago was because of perjury.
    By whom? One Person? the police? his victim? Perhaps his girlfriend (these guys always say their gal is crazy or lies).
    I dunno, but surely you folks know how hard it is to get a conviction in this town. First offense and heavy jail sentence? On the testimony alone which was allegedly perjured? I suppose anything's possible, but Buz is very skeptical.
    And on the other case he cites: as soon as inmates start talking about how they got religion and stuff, poor ole Buz's eyes roll out of his head. Yeah, I'm sure there are religious folks in the big house, but again, the skeptic is aroused.

    By the way, wonder what the State's Attorney's office hesitancy is in declaring this justifiable homicide? We've had cases (last year, I think), when folks shot burglars running out the door and dying in the yard. No problem.

    Now, unless there is something we haven't been told about statements he and his roommates gave to Homicide, what's up? Blood splatters? DNA?

    We have: a miscreant in an area he doesn't belong; numerous recent burglaries; a whole history of Charles Village residents being assaulted, raped, and robbed, the student being where he has a right to be, and no criminal intent, and folks have the right to detain someone for the police. Is the SAO bending over backwards here? Hopefully, simply to prevent a lawsuit by Rice's survivors.

  9. "By the way, wonder what the State's Attorney's office hesitancy is in declaring this justifiable homicide?"

    My guess (and I obviously have no inside knowledge) is that the SA's Office has a ton of work to do and this particular file ended up at the bottom of a pile, and/or it was decided that for political reasons it's best to sit on it for a couple of weeks before clearing the guy. You know, make it seem like there was no rush to judgement or anything like that.

  10. We, that is the taxpayers, can only hope you are right.
