Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ponts v. Rice

The recap, in case you missed it.
So, Hopkins students "Ponts" and "Woody" hear a noise in the basement in the middle of the night. But instead of calling 911, like Richard Nolan would have done, they go out searching, Ponts with a bone-shearingly sharp sword and no idea who is out there and if they're armed or not (what if they'd had a mace?). The roommates claim the intruder was hiding inside of the garage, then lunged. Somehow, though, they got outside to the patio to do his screaming and bleeding.
Weather or not Ponts will be charged with a crime remains to be seen, and inquiring rubberneckers are dying to see a photo of this kid.


  1. Screw Rice. This guy reportedly had dozens of priors, including similar crimes. Your implied right to personal safety in a civilized society ends when you decide to become a life-long petty thug and commit crimes three days after being released from prison. Baltimore will be making a big mistake if Ponts is charged.

  2. A good sharp sword is better against a lightly armored opponent while the mace is better against a more heavily armored opponent. While there have been a number of edged weapon attacks, I don't see as many references to people going all Marlo with the body armor when they do their dirty deeds.

    Given that, the sword wins.

  3. Putting aside whether our boy Ponts did the right thing or not, let's assume he doesn't get charged.

    He may become local hero or a Hopkins hero, but what is going to happen in a couple of years when Hopkins Ponts goes looking for a job and his prospective employers do the most basic google search on the samurai warrior? Hmmmm.

  4. Cham:

    Depends on where he looks for a job. If his prospective employer is relatively conservative, a believer in the right to self-defense, etc, he'll probably think more of the guy for standing up to a thug.

  5. Yeah, great if his prospective employer that believes that. But what if they don't? Right or wrong, this guy now has made a permanent name for himself.

  6. Making "a name" for oneself for defending your home is better than making "a corpse" of oneself by not.

    He didn't go out of his way to find a criminal, the criminal went out of their way to find a victim, but found a man with a sword instead.

  7. He wasn't defending his home, Ponts was defending his yard.

  8. What if his prospective employer is a Japanese warlord? Huh? Didn't think of that one did ya?

  9. I would hire Ponts in a second. He represents order and the asshole he ran through represents chaos.

  10. So, Cham, understand, I don't approve of roaming gangs of warlords, but ...

    you think hoodlums should be entitled to jeopardize my safety from within my own propertyline, just so long as they stay outside the doorway ??

    And please don't give me that crap about 'contacting the proper authorities'.

    Competent police authorities are external to this jurisdiction. The BCPD is absolutely incapable of doing its job, given the army of hoodlums.

    The proper authorities for this are in the Pentagon.

    If you have the number of the Joint Chiefs, I'll be happy to call for a batallion the next time one of the animals is skulking around my neighbor's yard.

    I'm sick and tired of twenty years of constantly calling the BCPD. It's the same goddamn criminals, for crying out loud. Over and over.

    I really think the doctrine of Self-Help needs to be restored here, unless you can show me those batallions are on their way.

  11. For all we know Mr. Rice might have been taking a tinkle in the yard. What gives the general population the right to kill someone just for standing in a yard that isn't their own?

    You can high five Ponts all you want, but Ponts hasn't done himself any favors by killing this man. Ponts's name is now his name is all over the Internet and he may be charged with a crime. How is Ponts's actions of 3 days ago going to affect everything that happens to him for the rest of his life? IMHO, Ponts made a terrible decision.

  12. It's sounding like Rice was trying to flee and students were trying to hold him until the police arrived and accidentally killed him in the effort.

    Yeah, Mel would hire Ponts, but sounds like he was on a pre-med track-- if he's charged with involuntary manslaughter that's not going to look so good.

  13. OK, so,...

    in order to ensure due process and so that enforcement activities are only conducted by duly sworn officers

    ... please station at least 1 cop per block in the Northern.

    Take the money necessary to staff it from education, healthcare and recreation budgets.

    So what if schoolkids get no breakfast...

    ... at least Donald Rice will be safely in prison that way.

    But you cannot 'deal with' his criminality by allowing him in my damn yard so as to save yourself money.

  14. That sort of thinking is why Baltimore City is a national disgrace.
