Friday, September 11, 2009

Correction: TDR says feds are not seeking the death penalty for Brian Rose.

This just in: Baltimore's courthouses= dangerous heck-holes

FHBIII sensibly nixes the Honey-Hole cam


  1. Boo on the Brian Rose news. Sounds like his loathsome lawyers accomplished what they wanted with their frivolous challenge to fingerprints. The idiot judge in that case should be kicked off the bench.

  2. I doubt the Honey Hole owner is that much of genius, but she was smart to go with the agreement for the cameras in the bar to get her business out of hot water with the police.

    If she had agreed to the cameras the Baltimore police would basically be agreeing to provide free video surveillance for her establishment, not to mention straying to some rather dubious legal water in the event something happened in the bar. Does someone have the reasonable expectation of privacy in a privately owned and operated bar? I say so, so would a judge probably.

    Hollywood restaurants don't allow photographers inside to photograph celebrities so why should the city police be allowed to photograph and store pictures of patrons in a bar?

    However, the city was stupid enough to demand such an agreement from the owner in the first place, so she agreed then she didn't have to follow through. Very smart.
