Thursday, September 10, 2009

Totally classy with a side of good taste

For your viewing pleasure: the geniuses behind the heist of the number 8

How much would they have to pay you to spend the night in Leakin Park? $11k = lowball!

Sentence of the day: "The man's body was placed in a bag while it was still inside the van, to the apparent dismay of onlookers, some of whom lingered for hours in hope of getting a better view."


  1. The officers are probably staying at Orianda. That would be hard bunk beds and dirty communal bathrooms, but a a breathtaking city view from the cupola.

    Sounds cost-savings to me, at least we don't have to spring for a real hotel.

  2. Yeah, I don't get the irritated tone of that article.

  3. They should teambuild by searching for dead bodies.
