Thursday, September 17, 2009

You can beg better than that

Has anyone else been inspired recently to take up the martial arts? Any suggestions of quality places in town near the Northern get one's Bride on?


  1. Before taking up martial arts you may want to take a civics lesson, so you have a handle on federal, state and local laws before you do anything stupid.

  2. Thankfully we live in a country where the right to defend your home is still pretty well protected, despite the best attempts of the criminal enablers.

    Remember though, while you can't beat a sword for bad-assness, a gun is a much better tool if you're genuinely concerned with defending your home.

  3. Well, so, let's revisit....

    Waverly is abundantly populated with hoodlums. Serious ones. Who have havens a scant few blocks away from you, a stone's throw from Hopkins.

    The Baltimore Police Dept. is trying to SCALE BACK services for budget reasons.

    Your home is not safe.

    Criminals will be outside (even inside) your doorway, perhaps in your own yard.

    You'd better not do anything to them; you could be prosecuted.

    The City and local governments/tax districts will not do anything about them.

    Formation of citizen patrols are encouraged by the police, but are advised not to do anything.

    And you're supposed to ........ ??

    Answer: leave Baltimore City.

  4. Other than JHU clubs, there do not appear to be any good martial arts classes in the Northern. There is a good dojo in Fed Hill (, but I've never found parking to be available.

  5. For starters, I'd suggest something more defensive like Brazilian Jujitsu. It can be very useful since its effective regardless of size. If you're hell bent on learning offensive, I'd suggest something striking based like Boxing. Kicking can be dangerous in real world applications of fighting...

    Depending on how often you're able to go, you may want to see how the payment policy is (some are monthly, some may be per lesson). You also should inquire how often you're allowed to actually spar against experts.
    It is of utmost importance to get actual time on the ground. If you can get someone who can take courses with you, even better - it'll give you more chances to learn in and out of class.

    Unfortunately there aren't many schools in the region for this style of martial arts. However, it looks like a place may be a way's away from you in Owings Mills: Here it is..

    Good luck!

  6. How about we punish the predators so citizens don't have to buy guns, train in martial arts, or buy a Slap Chop?

    Accepting this anti-social behavior is racist. It's as if people expect certain folks to act the way they do and there is nothing that can be done about it.
