Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cases TK

Fishy! Toddler abducted from home in middle of the night, found in car by neighbor.

Woman who says police "threw out" her rape report talks to WMAR.
IV has a sketch of the suspect, who is presumably still out there somewhere.

Prison cell-phone jamming bill moves ahead in the Senate

At SCOTUS, Doug Gansler on the right to counsel, free speech v. dog fights, religious education as a tax deduction, and soon, a whole lot of businessy stuff.
... and per the FTC, starting Dec. 1, bloggers must disclose payola.

Fascinating! Vaccine reduces cocaine dependence


  1. Maybe the officer took her rape accusation with a grain of salt, given her criminal history. Look up case #1C00309709 on MD Casesearch.

  2. Although I frequently don't agree with him, Dan Rodricks reviews a book on the radical change in the nature of living in The Other Baltimore during a tumultuous decade, which I think is necessary to understand if one wishes to grasp why Baltimore is now a rogue, crime-based locality.
