Monday, October 12, 2009

Last week around Hopkins Homewood campus...

From JHU security:
3 JUVENILES ARRESTED – Bike Theft / CCTV Observation – Wolman Bike Racks – On Oct. 10th at 9:37 PM, three juveniles seen at the west bike rack attempting to cut a bike lock with bolt-cutters fled as campus officers approached them.  The three were located and arrested by Baltimore Police.  A bicycle that one of the juveniles rode to the west bike rack was found to have been stolen from the east bike rack.  The bicycle was returned to its owner.  The bolt-cutters were recovered.
ARREST – Theft (Pickpocket) / Property Recovered – 3201 St. Paul St. -- On   Oct. 10th between 5:15 PM and 5:24 PM, a graduate student’s wallet was taken from his pocket.  Baltimore Police and an off-duty Baltimore Police officer working for Hopkins arrested a non-affiliated male who was found to be in possession of the stolen wallet.

Unarmed Robbery – 100 Blk. E. 27th St. -- On Oct. 9th at 4:05 PM, a non-affiliate standing outside her parked vehicle was pushed down from behind by an unknown person who then pulled her handbag from her shoulder.  The suspect fled in an unknown direction.  Baltimore Police searched the area with negative results.  Investigation continuing.

Burglary (Private Residence) – 3100 Blk. Guilford Ave. (east side) – Oct. 10th at 5:34 AM, a non-affiliated resident, awakened by a burglar, confronted and fought with him before the suspect broke free and fled out a third floor window.  Baltimore Police and campus officers searched the area with negative results.  Entry had been gained through an unsecured window.  No property taken.  Investigation continuing.

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