Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Say what now?

Bananas! Toddler taken from home, abandoned in unlocked car in course of "family dispute." "No charges have been filed " and "Baltimore City Police are no longer treating this as an abduction."
Wha? Why not? Unless said family member had custody, wasn't it still an abduction? Endangerment, at the least, considering it got down to 40 degrees that night? (And was the guy who found the boy Ken Watts, or Ken Waztts?)

Last week's three murders in the Ink

City officer disciplined after violating dept's shut-yer-piehole-to-the-press policy

Pure class at Hopkins: student uses samurai incident on student government posters (from Twitter).

Towson lawyer disbarred for mi$appropriation

an arrest & indictment in the murder of convicted child molester Scott Greenburg

From farther afield:
... NASA scientist gets 5 years' probation for downloading child porn on gvt computer
... former Reagan White House lawyer sues to stop Navy Chaplain from praying for his death (from TDR's law blog).

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