Monday, October 12, 2009

'the governor could appoint a white mayor'

With the mayor's first trial set to start November 9th, the NAACP wants to change state law to make sure the Governor doesn't have too much leeway appointing a successor if she is convicted.


  1. "'the governor could technically appoint a white mayor,' said Marvin “Doc” Cheatham"

    unbelievable. Can you imagine the outcry if some racists in Alabama were trying to change the state constitution because the gov might appoint someone they considered racially impure?

  2. If Mary Pat Clarke were the council president, would the NAACP even consider this? I think not.

  3. "the governor could technically appoint a white mayor," said Marvin “Doc” Cheatham

    oh, like THAT isn't overblown racism.

  4. The problem with the NAACP is that they're an organization that doesn't have a purpose anymore. Segregation is over and legal discrimination is a thing of the past. Really, the organization should've disbanded about 20 years ago, instead they go flailing around looking for a cause, and in doing so they have become as racist as the people the used to oppose.

  5. LOL. Baltimore, you get what you sow.
