Monday, July 23, 2012

Creepy and creepier

Two female corpses were found over the weekend. The badly decomposed body of a 41-year-old woman was found at the Wyman House in the 100 block of West 29th street, and the man in the apartment with her body was taken into custody. And a 60-year-old woman found on West 20th street.

A 21-year-old man was shot in the face in Park Heights.

Hopkins hospital has begun contacting patients who may have been infected with Hepatitis C by creepy lab tech David Kwiatkowski. Says a statement from the hospital, "Johns Hopkins is in the process of contacting these patients and offering them free testing for hepatitis C." So generous!

In Remington a man was robbed at gunpoint of a leather bag, $50 and some empty prescription bottles

A man was arrested for stealing two beers from the Kent House on York Rd and is being held on $50,000 bond.

Burglars in Pikesville did $200 worth of damage to two pool chairs. Also, if your pool chairs cost $100 each, you're a wiener.

Fishy, fishy.. SRB's office won't turn over emails and other records from former IT Chief Rico Singleton*. According to allegations, Singleton's ethical lapses at his previous job in New York cost the city $1.5 million.

A reader from Colombia took issue with Al Jazeera's assertion that Baltimore is "more deadly than Bogotá," but actually Al Jazeera is correct, at least when it comes to official numbers. Bogotá's homicide rate is 21 per 100,000 people, Baltimore's is 34.8. Of course we don't have vigilante groups that round up poor people and kill them (and I seriously doubt the official rate includes these limpiezas).

1 comment:

  1. Really nice style and design and excellent content , nothing at all else we need : D.
