Monday, February 27, 2006

February 27

A 72-year-old Sun reporter was robbed near City Hall and is in critical condition at Shock Trauma.

In the Blotter, a man was arrested for trying to choke a woman with a phone cord, a man shoved a woman from a moving Pontiac, in Dundalk an SUV driver was shot when he tried to run down a police officer.

The Feds don't mess around. Bryant Warren, 34, got more than 12 years for heroin conspiracy-to-distribute.

In Baltimore County, "Big Thick" John Gaumer was indicted for the murder of Josie Brown.

AA County police have arrested Cynthia Jean McKay, the "girlfriend" of the man whose burned body was found in Millersville.

In Calvert County, prosectors will not seek the death penalty against Graham D. Buckmaster.

More on the Charles County murder/suicide involving Safiyyah Malik and Marvin Marshall.

Thirty years after he killed his wife, mother and three sons in Bethesda, then dumped the bodies in North Carolina, police are still seeking Bradford Bishop.


  1. Guys,
    Sorry my post on yesterday's Comments was so long. I usually issue a warning when I can't shut up.

  2. A 50 year old Owings Mills man coming home from work, 9:30pm Friday Feb. 24th was mugged and beaten in front of his home. Man said a young male in a light blue jacket, on foot, was passing on the street, quickly approached him asking for his money. The younger man then struck and kicked the victim, tearing his pants and running off. The victim sought help from a neighbor and later went to the hospital where he recieved 8 stitches. Police did not find the assailant. This occured in the courtyard of the townhouses near Richmar and Reisterstown Roads.

  3. "AA County police have arrested Cynthia Jean McKay, the "girlfriend" of the man whose burned body was found in Millersville."

    link associated with the above passage is broken

  4. Anyone know of an online blotter for Harford County?

  5. So if I want crimes against me to be recorded, I apparently have to get a job working for the Sun paper.

  6. I know, seriously! It sounds like it may have been one of those rear-end- scams, too, so make a note of it, if you get rear-ended in the city, do not get out of the car! A $400 bumper is nothing compared to your life!

  7. Oh, I didn't even see that you'd posted about Gaumer's indictment. What a POS.

  8. Well, boys and girls, the City Council had a golden opportunity to put its best foot forward and support Ken Harris's bill for an independent audit of the police department. It went the other way, headlong into Baltimore's past as a croneyistic, provincial abuser of police authority.

    Public Safety Subcommittee Chair Jim Kraft and Council VP Stephanie Rawlings Blake failed to explain their opposition to opening the blinds and letting in the light, other than to say they didn't feel an investigation was in the interest of the City at this time.

    Hmmm, whose interests are they serving? Well, under the current statistical misdeployment, it seems Kraft's southeastern district with its yuppie waterfront neighborhoods is gettin' a whole lotta the available police manpower.

    Perhaps this blog can publicize who else voted the bill down, while those of us committed to good, transparent policing refer the coverup to the FBI, which has experience with Mr. O'Malley's administration's creative reporting. We will get down to the truth, Mr. Kraft. Here's hoping it reveals your actions in a favorable light.

    If they want to play with injustice, beware. I'm ready to go all Bronson/Deathwish on anyone who enables the criminals. They had an opportunity to do the right thing on their own. Now, the State has a compelling need to investigate. I don't want to hear any of Commr. Hamm's crap about "It's political." The Mayor & City Council have demonstrated their unsuitability to self-administer an audit on own recognizance. Goferit, Mr. Ehrlich. Delegate Jill Carter, you know who's in the right. Stick to your guns.

  9. I am relatively new to this blog, has there been anything posted about the police department upholding an "internal policy" that if a crime cannot be solved, a report will NOT be taken? I can offer some insight on this, but do not want to comment if it has been covered here.

  10. Nothing about any internal policy, though we've been linking to Jayne Miller's series, which has shown over and over how one certainly exists-- Hamm even said so.

    I don't know what to think about the City Council thing. Maybe they decided they trusted this univeristy of Maryland guy and didn't want to waste the people's money by having two similar studies be conducted?
