Tuesday, February 28, 2006

February 28

There were two murders last night, one on East 25th street and one near Hopkins Hospital.

Allegation: a man was carjacked and beaten. When he reported the incident to the police, they called him a liar, threatened to arrest him, refused to report his vehicle as stolen and made him walk home, injured.

Federal Judge Motz has refused to delay trial for officers Antonio L. Murray and William A. King, accused of shaking down drug addicts, stealing their cash and reselling the drugs on the street.

The City Council approved a resolution backing a task force of "academics" to audit crime statistics.

Blotter: last November's death of George Davis was ruled a homicide, bringing the total number of homicides reported by the coroner's office for 2005 to 276. A man was arrested for the attempted murder of Terrance Devillassee, 23. A man was hit on the head with a gun near Power Plant Live.

Coram nobis: safety valve or legal loophole?

Why does the strip club Night Shift have a van? And why did the driver of said van pick up the attacker of Carl Schoettler and drive him to West Baltimore?

In Harford County, Jonathan Felix Knight, 21 and a suspected member of the Bloods, is being held for attempted murder after a shooting in the Edgewood area.

Police in Towson are seeking the public's help in locating a man who broke into a woman's apartment and attempted to sexually assault her while she was sleeping.

In Baltimore County, a student with a gun was removed from a school bus and arrested.

In Montgomery County, Shirley Lumbao, the mother of two Rockville teenagers, will serve two days in jail because of her sons' truancy.


  1. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/02/28/BAGM5HFU5O1.DTL

    It seems that Baltimore is not the only city finding it difficult to hire enough Police officers.

    aaand go....

  2. OK, we'll try this again:

    It seems that Baltimore is not the only city having trouble hiring enough police officers

    aaand go...

  3. Guys, I just ran into the nicest coed.. she was speaking with a habitual criminal just out of central booking... because they were both locked up on the same day.

    What was this girl in for? She had a traffic ticket and was reluctant to sign for it. The officer then accused her of resisting arrest. Apparently, her writeup included assaulting an officer because he claimed she trod on his shoe.

    Now, the girl is 22 years oild and about 110 pounds soaking wet. I haven't known her long, but she seems quite mild-mannered.

    She tells me she never hit the man and certainly didn't actively resist. If he means verbally, I think he's a wimp.

    How lame are some of these officers that they're willing to place a major mark on a fundamentally law-abiding resident's record just because the officer was having a hissy-fit.

    She's got a hearing in a few days and I gave her a good lawyer's number. Don't we kinda have better people to arrest... like the guys who were arrested for murder after several previous murder charges were dropped ?

    Use some common sense, boyz.

  4. i have it!!! baltimores new motto!!!! great great!

    "if you came to baltimore, you deserve it"

    that way, you dont need cops or crime reports, just know it is your fault! all your fault. You are in baltimore? hey you are dumb! or were deceived! but if you stay in baltimore after reading this... you are dumb! you WILL be a victim of crime, and police WONT do anything!! do you realize that in other cities, the police investigate bike thefts? even look at video, and search local homeless areas?
    baltimore residents, happy getting killed, stupid!
