Friday, May 19, 2006

May 19

Darryl Long was murdered in Northeast Baltimore in a brutal home invasion, and Jamal Gwaltney, 23, died after being shot in the upper body, making 100 murders for the year according to BPD and FBI, who do not count vehicular homicide as a murder, even if the killing happens during the commission of a felony.*
(Or if your brother runs you over and keeps going.) Deaths as a result of arson are also not counted. According to the Medical Examiner's office, the current homicide number from January 1 to the present is 104.

Also not counted in the murder numbers: deaths in state custody, such as the beating death of Raymond K. Smoot. A motions hearing in that case is scheduled for Monday in Part 8, Room 236, Mitchell Courthouse. Former correction officers Dameon Woods, Nathan Colbert, and James Hatcher were indicted on August 16, 2005 for second-degree murder, first and second-degree assault, and conspiracy to first and second-degree assault. According to the corrections officers' union, Smoot was beaten by 25 to 30 guards.

Matthew Capp, a city homeowner, called the police when he thought he was being burgled was instead arrested and taken to Central Booking, shoeless. Arrests are up this month.

Police are looking for the family of Chandra Williams, who is in Shock Trauma after being shot in the face.

Timothy Loose was arrested for the third time for stealing luggage at BWI.

Ew, ick, ew, ick. Former Carroll County School Superintendent William H. Hyde, 64 was released from the Carroll County Detention Center after serving less than 12 months of an 18-month term for raping a young girl but still wanted his probation shortened. TG Judge Luke Burns denied the request.

Assaults by metal pole and bayonet and an attempted murderer arrested in the blotter.

*Though if Tom and Harry go to rob a store, and Tom shoots someone, Harry would also be charged with first-degree murder and would be eligible for the death penalty. Wacky!


  1. Question: why are spurious arrests only news once they happen to a white couple from Virginia?

    Phony arrests occur all the time in my neighborhood.

    And there are so many people around here offering really good reasons to arrest them.

    Hey, people, will ya finally toss this Commissioner? And they're still bending the crime stats. While not quite as deadly, crime is almost as bad as before Marty the Magician.

    'Nothing in my hand, plenty up my sleeve.'

  2. And while I'm on a good rant (is there such a thing?), howzabout that 17-year old kid who accidentally killed his sister with a car?

    He flees? With his kid sister lying in her own blood? This is why Baltimore sucks. The people are just no good. Do it, then split.

  3. Why didn't they arrest Darryl Long for loitering and littering?

  4. but they're busy padding the stats like crazy!!

    'Margaret Burns, spokeswoman for the State’s Attorney’s office, recently announced the number of arrests per day in May are up significantly from last month — from 165 per day in April to 218 per day from May 1 to 15.'

  5. the kid did kill his sister when he lost control of the car he got sacred in ran down the street about 1 block

  6. I understand that someone could be scared of hitting a pedestrian. I would be, too. However, I cannot imagine anything that could scare me enough to abandon my kid sister who might or might not be saveable. Ya just have to have more guts than that. Is this the real problem? Are people just more gutless than in previous generations?

  7. don't forget anthony conaway, who was shivved at the city detention center back in march. that counts as "state's custody," right? i never saw it in murder ink, at least.
