Saturday, May 20, 2006

May 20

The story of the VA couple has hit UPI, adding to the count of horrible Baltimore stories going international of late. (Let's see... "Stop Snitching," Oprah calls school system "atrocious," the "Tipping Point" syphillis chapter, "The Boys of Baraka" ...)

Three men were arrested for a Columbia gang-bang.

Excellent reporting of shitawful stories from Ocean City.

Another Marylander after Sgt. Marion Flint Jr., Robert Seidel III, has died in Iraq. Meanwhile the BBC reports a major uprising at Guantanamo.

Disgusting: Robert Carey, 52, pled guilty to storing more than one million pornographic pictures on his NOAA-owned work computer, including images of himself having sex AT WORK with a young female family member.

Yes, it's true. "Get in on it."


  1. Here's an article about witness intimidation, that sounds eerily the same as baltimore.,9171,1194016,00.html

  2. Since there are so many horrible Baltimore stories, I wonder if Baltimore might not in fact be a pretty horrible place?

    In particular, in other cities outrageous stories of governmental ineptitude and misconduct spawn reform or, in the alternative, the removal of the man in charge.

    In Baltimore, it seems, the Mayor and Commissioner can just perpetuate our misery with no danger of being booted. That being the case, no surprise that among major cities we're #6 for road rage and # 2 most dangerous.

    Maybe Charm City is best described as just plain, old 'Number Two'.

  3. Oh, this is keen.

    The City paid Landor Associates $500,000 to come up with a catch phrase for Baltimore...

    the winner is...

    'Get In On It'

    That's really what they came up with. For a half mill.

    Councilmember Spector asks "In on what?" Good question.

    In on a scam, I think. Believe. Suspend your rational faculties and imagine Baltimore as a civilized environment. Don't implement it. Just play 'make believe'.

    Hey, now that's right on the money. Where's my $500,00, Mr. Mayor?

    Baltimore... just Make Believe.'

  4. Seriously!!? OMG! BwahaHA! "Get in on it"?! I thought they were trying to find something that couldn't be made into a punch line! Oh that is too rich.

  5. maybe the city plans to fund the schools by using the slogan as the subject line for bulk e-mails requesting a discreet business relationship to move a small fortune out of Nigeria.

  6. good old wjz. check out this article.

    Student From Maryland Stabbed In Connecticut

    (AP) Manchester, CN A college student from Maryland is recovering today from stab wounds after a fight in the parking lot of a McDonald's in Manchester, New Hampshire, Friday night etc...

  7. Oh so fabulous.I also love that the story's been up for almost 24 hours and no one's corrected it! And do note Connecticut's abbreviation is CT (not CN)!

  8. Hey, the argument, I think, is that you can actually save a great deal of money on schooling. Since the wisdom abounding in Baltimore just about amounts to 'Get in on it.', there's really no need for anyone to read that drivel. Hence, no need to teach anyone to read. Hence no need for schools.

    See how much money the taxpayer is saved?

  9. the story that made UPI would have stayed local if the couple arrested were black. a sad fact.

  10. Yah, there's definately some truth to the race thing (I can hear the editor: "WTF, they're arresting white people now?") but also the whole 'package' -- they were clean-cut, attractive-ish, their parents were police officers, they were going to an All-American baseball game ... they exude innocent-victimhood. If they were fat goths with eyebrow piercings trying to find the HFStival you probably wouldn't have heard about it either.

  11. OK, so now that we know that not only black folk, but all shades of the rainbow are routinely having their civil rights abused at the request of Mssrs. O'Malley and Hamm, please start lobbying your city councilmen and State Senators for their prompt removal from office. The other avenue would be a civil rights case through the FBI, such as was done in Chicago and, I think, Cleveland.

    But he sure as Hell cannot be a Governor.
