Wednesday, June 21, 2006

June 22

duncanTHIS JUST IN... Doug Duncan has dropped out of the governor's race because he's depressed !!
(imagine how No'Malley Dems feel...) I believe it, every time I've seen him he's seemed leaden and unenthused... But why would someone prone to depression want a job that requires so much extroversion in the first place? Anyways here's hoping the Dougnut gets some him-time to chill out, go fishing with Moose, pop some 'zac and get his groove back.
Is it too late for someone else to run? Simms (Stuart or Barry)? Mary Pat? Who do you nominate, readers?

Opening motions in the retrial of Adan Canela and Policarpio Espinoza start today.

A month in jail for Joe Cary, principal of the Owl's Nest club.

Steven Janis is on fire today... unlike those other lazy quitters! The Examiner had crime scene experts look over the Robert Clay autopsy report. Their conclusion: fishier than a Norwegian cathouse. And where are the gunshot residue reports? Well?

JZ: PowerPoint graphs don't prove the existence of arrest quotas. Examiner: yes they do.

Finally some good parenting: A HoCo mom is suing the man who molested her daughter for $16.1 million. And mom of a 14-year-old girl from Virginia who ran away to Baltimore says, 'I think I'm going to get her some counseling.' Good idea!

David William Richardson, 55, died a mysterious death in Stoneleigh.

A man was stabbed in the arm and a man and woman were arrested for crack and paraphernalia on Dru Hill.

Los federales are handing down huge drug sentences this week. And hey, we're getting a cyber-crime and intellectual property unit!

Now, that's funny. A Hagtown motorist claims he was "defending himself" when he shot at a PT Cruiser that wouldn't let him pass (3rd story from the top).


  1. FYI:

    Baltimore City now before mid-year already has more murders than Atlanta, Cleveland, Columbus, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Memphis, and Milwaukee had for the full year. We will pass the full-year murder counts of Las Vegas, Memphis, and St. Louis in a few days.

    My teeny, tiny little neighborhood in North Baltimore had more murders last year than the entire cities of Worcester, Springfield, Des Moines, Topeka, and Brownsville.

    Hello?? Fire the Police Commissioner, right? We could us some outrage here, or should I just mount razor wire across my threshold?

  2. Yeah, a Hagerstown SUV driver has to defend himself from a PT Cruiser that wouldn't let him pass? Probably the PT Cruiser couldn't get out of its own way, let alone his. Talk about misplaced rage....

  3. Duncan's withdrawing? OK, guess I'll vote Republican. I certainly won't vote for the guitar-pickin' moron who f#@ked up the city's police department.

  4. If I have to choose between hizzoner and ehrlich, I'll be elephant riding come november.

  5. Couldn't we all just write Duncan in? Or does Maryland not allow such things?

  6. Interesting dichotomy: elect an Executive who is clinically depressed... or his Democratic opponent, in which case all the constituents will be clinically depressed for four years.

  7. link about the pt cruiser is wrong. :)
