Friday, June 23, 2006

June 23

Writing contest: speculate on the origins of items for sale at ("I am a rug; reeking ... reeking...")

Two men, Latar Bradshaw and Phillip Carter, have been charged for robbing and beating Sun writer Carl Schoettler. Feel bad for him and all, but is it fair to devote two pages of reportage when other robberies and beatings get a paragraph or less?

JFC! Ronald Hinton, a 15-year-old boy and son of a police trainee who died mysteriously in 1992, beat and raped a four-year-old girl within an inch of her life.

WTF? Neighbors had a cookout within feet of the bedroom window where Kenya Lincoln was chained to her bed.

Yike, a serial killer right in Harford County! ... now police are wondering if there's a connection to nine missing women and teenage girls.

A Baltimore man, Terence Turrell, got 30 years for his part in a home invasion and murder in Northern New Jersey.

Glynn: No change of venue for the officers accused of beating Raymond Smoot to death.
Police are looking for a jowly man who robbed the Royal Farms where the Channel 2 reporters stand in front of every time it snows, plus a 7-11 on East Baltimore Street.

The Duncan story: his violin and clarinet aren't playing the same tune. The Post compares it to the 1972 admission by VP candidate Thomas Eagleton that he'd had electroshock therapy (how refreshing to read something by a reporter with experience and a sense of history for a change ... !)

The lastest installment of the Post's "Being a Black Man" follows two high school students who rejected Catholic-school scholarships to make their local high school a better place.

William Steeg, 48, pled guilty to pantsless dancing in OC.

Supreme Court: if you complain about discrimination or harassment you're legally protected on the job. But if you work for the government and blow the whistle on wasteful or dangerous practices you can be fired. Gotcha.

I like this essay... but "rebirth" on North Avenue? I'm sorry Jacques, you're a great Baltimorean, but that's the dumbest idea I've ever heard! Why does everyone want to sink so much into hopeless neighborhoods where no one wants to go (see the "rebirth" of the West Side), while Hampden and CV are covered with garbage, right at Lanvale and Charles is a property that's been derelict for more than 15 years, our public transportation goes nowhere, and if you want to visit the Harbor parking is $10? I'm sorry, Baltimore, you don't get a new neighborhood until you show me you can take care of the ones you have!


  1. WTF? Neighbors had a cookout within feet of the bedroom window where Kenya Lincoln was chained to her bed.

    the link from the above passage goes to the wrong story

  2. Thank you, Simon. The link is fixed.

    This blog is just like teaching undergrads... everybody stares slack-jawed most of the time, but they get all excited if they think you've made a mistake.

    Somebody needs to start leaving some actual comments, because I'm getting bored.

  3. Okay, I'll bite...

    I don't quite get the state of things in the city of baltimore. We have an epidemic of crime - and have had it for years now. Why is it that the time, energy and resources aren't being fully committed to stop this issue, or at least reduce how pervasive it is in all of our lives? And why is it that our dear leader is concerned with the war on international terror when domestically we're facing the same issue? Does it take something that is beyond absurd to get the dormant politicians to stand up and say enough is enough?

    What's more - why in the world is O'Malley moving on to the next thing when he hasn't come close to doing his job here? For most people who have children, or nieces or nephews, there are two things that they will ask for from the government (regardless of partisan alignment): A chance for their kids to learn something, and a reduced chance of being killed. This goober has failed dismally on both counts. Yet he's going to get an easy ticket to the general election. That is absurd.

    I'm tired of it. I'm tired of hearing sirens every night, tired of turning on the news to wonder who got it tonight, and tired of looking at a day when someone didn't die as a good one. Its terrible, and regardless of who you are you shouldn't have to live like this in what apparently is 'The Greatest City in America'.


  4. not much of a comment: i like this blog, don't quit.

  5. The reason no one ever challeges these politicians is a culture of municipal largesse.

    Compared to, say, Suffolk County, NY Baltimore has more than six times the number of municipal employees per capita. Per capita wages paid out in Baltimore were about $1,800, whereas smaller municipalities in Maryland averaged one third that.

    A large chunk of what Baltimore does is not services rendered, but is rather grants, ie. handouts.

    Because much of Baltimore's outlays are not purchases of goods & services for their value, but rather are gifts of money, government does not seek to get value for our money. Instead, it just looks to maximize the outlay, subject to finding the revenue somewhere to cover. In the economics literature, this is known as the Leviathan Hypothesis.

    If you wanted to get real policing, establish an autonomous police department, whose only job is to provide policing, and whose only source of revenue is taxes levied for that purpose by officials elected to that office only. If its staff don't do the job, they get fired, because it has no side objectives which can be used to placate taxpayers.

  6. Yeah, I'm with the other anonymous dude -- keep it up. This blog is one of the few web sites that turn a real ear to the city.

    Don't fret the comments; people wax and wane.

  7. Another thanks for the link to the story about Ballou and for continuing to link up the series on black men that the Post did. Keep up the good work.

  8. awww... I do have readers, after all!
    and I just figured out how to do the ♥ symbol, so now I have the will to go on!

    But, BTW Chuck and readers, I will be out of town pretty much for all of July and August, other than being home for a few days here and there. If Anyone would like to help maintain the blog please send an e-mail to

  9. This blog is better than the crime report in the Easty baltimore Guide! My fav. crime report page.
    Now about my favorite middle class caucasian reporter Carl least he's the only reporter that lives downtown for more than two years, walks everywhere, was on his way to yet another downtown jazz club and visits guys in the joint to teach them how to write stories!How ironic that of all people to get his head kicked in it's the reporter protesting the death penalty! Yes, the story of his beating showed up in the Bangkok paers but the guy is a reporter's reporter....
