Thursday, July 27, 2006

July 27

The Grand Jury indicted Lavar Omar Shedrick, 20, for first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder. Court documents allege that on January 24 James Ronald Wright, 32, was found suffering from a gunshot wound at the rear of GreenMount Elementary School. He died a short time later. Eyewitnesses later identified Shedrick as a suspect and police arrested him June 30.

getoutofjailFormer officer Walter Jackson-Hill pled guilty to bribery today for taking money from a suspect in exchange for not appearing at his trial."They don't pay police officers enough," noted his lawyer. Judge Handy must have agreed, (or someone paid her brain not to appear) as Jackson-Hill got nary a minute in jail. Outrageous. The maximum penalty for the one charge the crooked cop copped to was 12 years. According to recent statistics compiled by the State's Attorney's Office, in the month of June 2006 in District Court cases, Baltimore Police officers failed to appear 249 times, resulting in the dismissal of over 180 district court cases and 50 postponements. Jackson-Hill failed to appear nine times since between September 2005 and March 2006.

The theft trial of Baltimore City police officer Che "Rim Job" Jackson, 35, is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. tomorrow before Judge Alfred Nance. The Grand Jury indicted Jackson April 26 for one count of felony theft. The indictment alleges that between January 4 and January 6, 2006 Jackson removed four 20-inch Rox Fossill rims and four Wanli tires from a 2000 Cadillac Deville belonging to one Lisa Smith. Smith's vehicle had been seized as a result of an investigation into a shooting that occurred in the 3600 block of Brehms Lane and rims and tires were removed while the vehicle was being stored at the Northeastern police district. The tires and rims were subsequently located on a 1999 Cadillac Deville belonging to Jackson.

Quote of the day: "With all of the cameras that pepper poor black neighborhoods all over the city ... city officials need to raise a few more ... inside Baltimore City police stationhouses."

Warren Porter of Govans, shot yesterday in Halehorpe, has died of his injuries.

Mark A.C. Brooks has been arrested for stabbing Russell Duckworth to death, and Sean Ramseur has been arrested for the murder of Gary Shipman.

Down in Virginia, Michael Lenz, who murdered as part of his Asatruic religion, will be executed tonight.

mchellfireMethodists at the Sharp Street Memorial Church and Payne Memorial are praying for the eternal soul of thief David McCray.

So happy police have arrested a smash-n-grabber. Hope he gets life!

Joaquin Leycock, who evaded police by jumping in a pond even though he can't swim, has been recaptured.

Itchy's conviction stands.

Dept. of Tragic Figures:

From Comments:
Not all of my readers are a annoying as Simon! This "advice if you are stopped by a cop in Baltimore" is worth printing out and keeping in your wallet:
1) Shut up. You are not in a persnickety high-school debate session. Don't attempt to explain the law to an officer, even if he is "wrong."

2) Keep your distance from a crime scene. Don't dare ask questions until everything is under control.

3) If you are stopped and being questioned, don't start gesticulating and shouting. This will get you handcuffed and seated on the curb. If you continue after that, they will lie you face down in the street and step on you for an arbitrary amount of time.

4) Answer all questions carefully and clearly. Don't lie and don't embellish. Don't get emotional or irrational.

and Galt has another good one: don't mess with small female cops. (Actually, don't mess with small females in general. We often carry pepper spray.) With a size and strength disadvantage, it's easy to see how someone could percieve a threat when you may not intend one.

- thanks readers!


  1. As I've been saying, addicts are predators. They're hard-wired. Lock 'em up and offer treatment. If they stay off the junk, great. Welcome back to society. Otherwise, keep 'em in the lockup, where predators belong. If they've used up what should be a single, guaranteed treatment slot, then it's on you buddy. Hope you look good in a jumpsuit.

    Drug Treatment while Incarcerated

  2. Oh, and Cybes, easy on Simon. He means well, I'm sure. It's that thing about Conservatives are liberals who've been robbed, liberals are conservatives who've been arrested.

    I've been both robbed and then arrested (same incident) in Charm City, so I suppose I'm just a confused lil' boy.

  3. According to the State's Attorney's office, about 40% of 574 cases involving video camera evidence were rejected at central booking or dismissed. The principal reason was that images were inadequate to the task of identifying the perp.

    Police Cameras Questioned

    The other night, I saw a novel approach to stymiing the mobile cameras... just topple them. This was the solution seen on glorious Poplar Grove. The other problem with cameras is that you'd really need to chop down the streetside trees. They block most of the view.

    The answer is that you need human patrols, perhaps in addition to cameras. The camera should be seen as a deputy, not a replacement. Just imagine Mayberry with Don Knotts instead of Andy Griffith.
