Friday, July 28, 2006

July 28

The theft trial of Che Jackson, originally scheduled to begin today, has been continued by the court until August 4. The case will remain before Judge Alfred Nance.

Douglas Pulley, 27, was fatally shot (#154) during a robbery on Warwick Avenue in West Baltimore. Also, the man shot during the incident that killed Bernadette Reed has died (#155).

The talent agent shot to death in Hanover, AAC has been identified as Richard Preston Shaw, 56.

Kathleen Cullinan: Murder victim Warren Porter of Waverly was shot near his ex-girlfriend's house a day after he pled guilty to riddling said girlfriend's door with bullets. However, police don't believe the two are related. Since the door-shooting and related death threats, Porter and the girlfriend had gotten back together and the dumb bitch recanted her story.

The Post has harrowing details from a witness about the stabbing death of Jessup guard David McGuinn. Both of McGuinn's killers were serving life sentences for murder. Prosecutors say the pair may now face the death penalty.

A man is in critical condition after being shot multiple times in the Eastern.

Police are seeking a 1990 Nissan Maxima after a carjacking last night in Edgewood. (Releasing a tag number might help)

Police say prosecutors are "thrilled" by video cameras' grainy footage.

Dept of scam artistry: MHIC investigator Jennifer Grimes helped the FBI convict grifter Craig Oliver. Oliver has fled and is now a fugitive. And Roy L. Roscoe, 65, pled guilty yesterday to collecting $87k worth of social security checks on behalf of a guy who'd been dead 15 years.

Dems: Steele = forked-tongue liar who signed off on quotes.

Annapolis: murder rate doubled, mayor's nerves frustrated.

PG County: "Goodness, Maddie, this is a funny flip!"

Frederick: A man is suspected of running an illegal liquor store from his home.

Quote of the day: "Maryland is not a Democrat state. Maryland is a far-left kook fringe state."


  1. The Annapolis murder count doubled alright, from 3 to 6 this year. I've had six murders in my street already.

    Baltimore is such a worthless sh!thole.

  2. Hey, maybe I can get a job writing for the Daily News in Phialdelphia. Sounds like I already have.

    Article on Crime Emergency

  3. i don't understand all this talk of annapolis having six murders this year. roger trott was killed by annapolis police, and as far as i can remember from the articles i read about that when it happened, it sounded justified. most other jurisdictions don't include incidents like that in their homicide rate. but then the washington post article has a map of the murders, and trott is on there, and it says "yes" under "arrest made?" but with an asterisk. nowhere in the article does it mention what the asterisk means, nor does it mention trott. confusing.

  4. Ha! That does sound like you, galt! They're up to more than 200 murders in Philadelphia-- but they have more than twice as many people.

  5. Sounds like a good speech by the mayor, too.

    So here we are with our neighbors on either side treating their murders like the public emergencies they are, here a murder isn't even worth reporting, much less freaking out about.

    Instead our National Guard is going to the border to chase down Mexican grape-pickers.

    I've developed a cae of chronic outrage fatigue, frankly. I don't know how you do it, Galt. Vitamins?

  6. It's easy to maintain the outrage. I get many reminders to jump-start me all day long.

    Yesterday: winos banging on my door looking to sell stolen merchandise for cash, a late night hoodlum who urinates in the open with his thing in his hand without even stopping while walking past my place. Or how about having my house broken into while at work?

    The outrage part is easy. The hard part is resisting the urge to go postal on these f#@kin' irresponsible city officials.

    Second perhaps to Detroit, definitely the worst large city in America.

  7. how is it possible to pee and walk at the same time?

  8. The trail meanders back and forth. I assume he splashed himself, but I suppose subhuman bipeds wouldn't really care. I was pretty disgusted. And offended. Not quite surprised. Subhuman bipeds are a very large constituency here. NO'Malley does a very good job of reepresenting their interests.

    'Serpentine, Shelley, serpentine.'
    - Peter Falk to Alan Arkin

  9. the Steele link links to Corrections officer stabbing article

  10. Does anyone know how the murder count looks compared to this point last year?

  11. I think we're at 155 now as opposed to 158 last year.
    (verification word: gagme)

  12. Yeah, and Lenny Hamm had better not break out the streamers and party favors just yet, because the city of Baltimore is still shrinking and on a per capita basis, its muder rate is just about the same as last year. Congrats buddy, you're still the second most dangerous large city in America.
