Monday, August 21, 2006

August 20 A slow weekend

When the police blotter is sumarized tomorrow, we'll see if the truth was as serene as the media portrayed it this weekend.

Around 11:00 p.m. last (Sat.) night a 14 year-old pedestrian was clipped by a black SUV while walking her dog, now dead, at Guilford & Fayette, according to wjz news. Yes, right by City Hall. Eyewitnesses are encouraged to contact the police.

Also, a German shepherd canine officer described as having a distinct black coat with silver and brown markings and a tattoo that says "J-328" in his right ear has gone AWOL around Hilton Pkwy. Please contact the police if you see Rolf.

I just saw Pres. Sheila Dixon on WMAR's local political talk show To The Point. She was asked about the increase in violence toward children of late. Her answer was that that 'society' needs to mend the faulty domestic environment through the schools. She observes that "we don't just need a nurse in the school, we need a psychologist, a social worker..." She refers constantly to 'providing resources to the families' because as she notes, minors are making more money on the street than their mother, they're paying the bills. And all that without an identifiable employer. She also spoke of the churches taking ownership of their neighborhoods.

Translation: she has no idea what to do as the President. Lotsa ideas what someone else oughta do. So nice to have a municipal government with real leadership, huh?


  1. What I want to know is why a 14 year old is walking a dog at 11:00 p.m.

  2. Probably because the dog had to pee at 10:59 p.m. The real question is: where were the parent(s)?
