Friday, August 18, 2006

Friday August 18

Apparently, Gov. Ehrlich likes to watch.

Hizzoner the Guv yesterday announced an online GIS mapping of Maryland sex-offenders.
Click here to see the perv portfolio.

The Sun reports a 13 year-old male shot in the head on the 1600 block of Appleton in the Western and a male body found on South Vincent St., among other things, in the Police Blotter.

Convicted assailant Sean Davon Scott was sentenced to 17 years by a Baltimore federal judge for possession of a .40 cal semi-auto handgun when stopped by the po-po.

Serial hold-up star Donald Gladden, jr., who robbed numerous stores and individuals in Northern and Northeast Balto. City recently has been indicted. Thank you, BCPD. See the story in the Sun.

That said, representatives of the Rose Street Community Center, where a four year-old was recently shot, indicate that crime is worsening in the 'hood. Violence: the other Baltimore.

Criminal activity is certainly brisk in the Northern District. The Messenger recaps in its crime log.

Are Baltimore judges doing their jobs? Here's you chance to make your voice heard. The Examiner reports on campaign contributions to judicial candidates.

No relevance for jurisprudence in Baltimore, but while most judges do a lot of listening, this one has apparently been convicted of being a master debater on the bench.

19 year-old Lamar Prilliman has been indicted in U.S. District Court of conspiracy to distribute drugs as well as the November 2000 murder of witness Sharon Bagley in Harlem Park.


  1. Might want to make clear that the child did not get shot AT the Rose Street Community Center. They have enough to deal with.

    Or did he?

  2. The correct inference is that comments were proferred by the Community Center serving North Rose Street, on which street the four year-old was shot.

  3. How much you wanna bet the current sitting judge in Creek Co. is actually a standing judge, at least until the janitor finds the disinfectant.

  4. the sitting judges running this term are generally fair. Rasin has been a district court judge and seems fair. Williams is new and still defining himself as a judge, but hasn't done anything particularly bad. Themelis has been on the bench for a long time and generally viewed as demanding and state-friendly (meaning anti-criminal). Those will be on the bottom three alphabetically on the ballot.

  5. i wonder if that Gladden guy is related to State Senator and Baltimore City Public Defender Lisa Gladden (yes, some of our state senators represents criminals regularly).

  6. so Prillman was 13 y.o. when he murdered a witness?

  7. Is Galt taking the weekends off? Sounds like a union member to me.

  8. Ah yes, the same state senator who has cried racism with the Death Penalty...

    You gotta love our democratic representatives for the city that bleeds...

  9. No, not loafing, waiting for news that's fit to print.

    Amazingly, the reported crime in town this weekend has been nonexistent. Ya think it's because they're afraid of this blog's take-no-prisoners guest editor?

    Nah, me either.

    By all means, let me know if you hear about incidents that the mainstream media haven't reported.

    Anywho, regarding Prilliman he wasn't the killer. He 'arranged' the untimely demise of the witness, to whom he'd supplied coke base. Not only was he apparently 13 when he gave the order, he apparently had been distributing heroin and coke at age 11, according to the Sun paper.

    Baltimore... "Get In On It".

    I'm envisioning a campaign poster for NO'Malley with Prilliman's photo which reads

    Kids! Learn a local trade. (410) 396-DEAL
