Thursday, August 17, 2006

August 17 - Redux

These include the failed links in my earlier post today, plus new material at the end. Sorry 'bout that.

The Messenger article on Warren Brown's flamboyant interpretation of video evidence.

The Messenger's Crime Log up until this afternoon.

The Sun's Police Blotter today.

Now, hot off the presses.. lotsa, lotsa crime in the Northern District, particularly in Charles Village, as described in the crime log of the latest issue of the Messenger. Hmmm... didn't the City Council reauthorize the surtax on Charles Village for so-called supplemental security service? Empirically, 'twould seem not the very finest decision they've made of late.

(Update on the triple-shooting just east of Charles Village, one of the boys is to be interred tomorrow, while another is in critical condition. My sources on the street tell me the shooting was attributable to "He was lookin' at my girl. No, he wasn't. Yes, he was." Guess what? No, he wasn't. Too late now.)

The Examiner's article on police prevarication.

Also, the Examiner covers the beginning of federal RICO convictions in the pipeline for the Rice Organization, long the dominant dealing structure on the West side.

On the national front, the feds nabbed one of the top Mexican drug kingpins and a federal judge has instructed the Bush administration to cease unlawful domestic wiretaps immediately. The Attorney General is appealing, even if not to my taste, necessarily. Maybe it's just me, but what part of the fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments is ambiguous here? It seems to me that the FISA courts are pretty accommodating to the wartime needs of the administration., but then again, maybe I'm just an ignorant civilian.

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