Thursday, August 17, 2006

Better Late than Never

So now we're shooting toddlers. Whatta tough gangsta you is!

On the 700 block of North Rose Avenue in East Baltimore early yesterday evening, a four-year-old boy was shot in the leg. Said Troy Harris of the BCPD, "We know multiple shots were fired"., some of which apparently hit another man in the leg. The boy was taken to Johns Hopkins Pediatric with non-life-threatening injuries. As of the interview, police had no suspects, but were investigating whether the man in late teens or early twenties who showed up at the hospital shortly after the shooting is connected to the incident. This block has several pole cameras, so tapes are being reviewed. The identity of the boy, who was attended by a babysitter, has not been released. Another man, who was shot in the back, drove himse;f to the hospital. Said a bystander, "It sounded like more than 10 shots," he said, describing the incident as "nothing new."

Fed up with BCPD shortcomings? Ready to get their job done? Don't tell Matt Jablow.

See the
wbaltv interview with a resident of the Coldstream-Homestead community who stepped up and got shot at, first by hoodlums and then (verbally) by Police spokesweasel Jablow. It's not the first time BCPD front men have arrogantly displayed disrespect of citizens trying do what they can to contain criminality. I won't hold my breath waiting for Commissioner Hamm's apology.

Definitely not your father's Oldsmobile.

A multi-agency task force intercepted a 1996 Oldsmobile bearing $170,000 in greenbacks and 53 lbs. of cocaine in the bumpers. The motorized mule was on a carrier pulled over for inspection by Maryland Transportation Authority Police before reaching the toll plaza to the Nice Memorial Bridge. They found stolen vehicles, which they were seeking, the drug cargo being a Bogota bonus.

Denny's assailant apprehended

Drifter David Burton, who allegedly stabbed and robbed the manager of a Denny's restaurant together with Sara Higgins, was arrested Wedneday in Virginia along with Higgins. The victim, meanwhile, is recuperating at Shock Trauma.

South Korean nooky enterprise interrupted.

31 individuals were arrested in a multi-state federal bust ranging from the District of Columbia up the east coast in connection with the importation of Korean girls for the purpose of working in the sexual services sector. The accused are foreign nationals who allegedly smuggled illegal aliens into this country to engage them in various facets of prostitution. Included are a couple from Woodlawn.

Looking for a loose screw with tomography

Mujtaba Rabbani Jabbar, the man who on June 15 opened fire on another patron at an Owings Mills movie theatre and killed him, has plead not guilty by reason of mental defect and has been ordered to undergo mental examination, including a CAT scan.

Producing an internal memo from Patricia Jessamy's spokesman Marti Burns, Steve Fogelman, her rival in the Democratic primary for Baltimore City State's Attorney, claims "We live in the only city in America where the top prosecutor wants police to stop making arrests," The memo asks staff to document instances in which the pole cameras espoused by the O'Malley administration produce poor quality video, resulting in cases being null-prossed for lack of credible evidence.

But even if there is evidence, there may be no one in the courthouse, because Mitchell Courthouse employees walked out, citing poor working conditions in the jury unit.

And even good quality video may not be enough for defense attorney Warren Brown, who is trying an armed robbery case in the Village of Cross Keys. Marti Burns characterizes his strategy as being on the theatrical side, as reported in the
">Messenger. Also, the Messenger's">crime blotter includes home invasion and theft in Charles Village, theft on Greenmount, armed robbery in Hamden, Hon, and auto theft in Hamden and on York Road.

As for the citywide,0,7790986.story?coll=bal-local-headlines">Police Blotter, among incidents were several armed robberies, another nonfatal shooting in East Baltimore, a B&E burglary, and an out of state arrest for a warrant on a 1999 murder in Mount Vernon.

The Examiner's ">editorial considers the dubious merits of lying as a tool for the Baltimore City Police Department.

Readers, sorry for the messy links. Just don't have the time to debug the tags. - Galt


  1. "Citizens trying to do what they can" should not include videotaping drug dealers openly-- especially after being told of the danger. More importantly, my understanding is that courts usually reject youTube fodder.

    So he got shot at. Its his own dumb fault. On the flip side, I do hope he was able to id/video the perps.

  2. Galt,

    Nice work. So the tags are not perfect, the information is what's important.

  3. The problem with the tags is not a hard one to overcome, but as it is I cannot follow almost any of the links you posted.

    I appreciate that the stories have more news content than vitriolic rhetoric. Keep that up.

  4. so last night i walked out onto my front porch in hampden to smoke a cigarette at about 11 pm, and there were 3 police cruisers and a patty wagon on my block, and the cops were all out talking to a couple girls sitting on a stoop. i didn't hear any sirens and the lights were not flashing, so it must not have been much of an emergency, and nobody got arrested. generally it looked like nothing important was going on at all. so why exactly did they need four police vehicles (meaning at least four officers) to respond to this non-situation? especially when the neighborhoods that really need cops can't get enough of them, as mr. galt loves to remind us.

  5. Well if you don't know what the situation really is, its hard to make a judgement about why so many vehicles, isn't it.

    Its better to not try to second-guess or armchair micromanage their actions.

  6. i'm not micromanaging anybody's actions, i'm posting things on blog. please tell me though why it is best not to second-guess their actions. is it because i hate freedom?

    anyway, tonight after i get home from work i'll try to ask some of my neighbors if they know what happened.

    in the meantime, here's another fun story. a month or two ago i was driving home from work on edison highway, when i passed a car that had been pulled over by 11 (i'm not exaggerating, i counted) police cruisers and a paddy wagon. apparently the situation wasn't dangerous enough to warrant closing the street and keeping innocent pedestrians and motorists away. hell, 11 cop cars is overkill anything short of an armed hostage situation in my opinion. this was one block away from eastern district headquarters also. i'm going to speculate that all these cops were sitting around the station house doing nothing when they heard that officer smith had pulled someone over a block away, so they were all like "hey let's all go check it out, i'm bored!" but of course they couldn't walk one block, they all had to hop in their squad cars and waste some gas and cause a small traffic jam.

  7. In all fairness to officers, on some occasions they'll run tags and come up with a character who has sufficiently eggregious charges/warrants outstanding that he can be expected to evade arrest, by deadly force perhaps.

    In that event, even though the driver shows no aggression, it may be prudent to call up a disproportionate amount of manpower to dissuade violent resistance.

    On the other hand, the driver may have had doughnuts in the car.

  8. Readers, FYI:

    yep, I'm sorta squelching the vitriolic rhetoric while doing the Walter Cronkite thing. My version of Swiss neutrality. I'll do my best to confine my rantings to this comments section, where of course, you probably wouldn't recognize me sans rant.

  9. So many cops may have been warranted; maybe not. Interestingly, on the day City College was vandalized, my neighbor's boyfriend locked her out of the house. She called police, who were there no less than 5 minutes later. The officer spent a good hour explaining to her why he couldn't arrest her boyfriend for simply locking her out. He also gave her some great advice: She should just dump the guy.

  10. Galt, you're doing a great job! Thanks for getting in on it n shit! I'm in an internet café with a greasy and annoying Euro keyboard (why must they put the 'q' where the 'a' should be?)

    Paris is as usual equal parts charming and annoying, and it is nice that the most dangerous thing are the many roving clouds of B.O. ... nobody has guns, how scary can anything be?

    take care, everybody! Dodge them bullets!

  11. Hey galt, good job!

  12. I'm trying to really stretch my imagination....

    ...a place with no guns... suspension of disbelief.....

  13. I was just at a viewing for one of the guys who got shot in Charles Village. These guys standing just outside the front door of the funeral home were commenting about the fact that they weren't going to be caught on the street without a piece.

    Seems they're more concerned about being shot by the local boys than about being caught with a handgun by the po-po.

    Not a good feeling.
