Sunday, August 27, 2006

August 27

Spotted: Kweisi Mfume having dinner at Amicci's, Little Italy.

As parents get paranoid, the Post asks: has the world really become more dangerous? Meanwhile, a 13-year-old girl evaded kidnapping in Clifton Heights.

Post: Ehrlich Prolific in Granting Clemency, pardoning more prisoners in last three years than past two govs. combined

Internal police department "insensitive" memo, "heaven is full of watermelon seeds"written by black SHA employee.

Rodericks: O'Malley "not smart to make such statements" on crime, education


  1. i just saw that you added a link to my site. thanks!

  2. The Rodricks article says it's not smart for O'Malley to make lofty claims, acknowledging that even a 23.5% decrease in violent crime is pretty spiffy.

    Yeah, but who said O'Malley caused it?

    Since 1999 violent crime in American cities is only down about 5%. But from 1995 to 1999 while Baltimore remained inert, violent crime in the nation's cities dropped about 24%, for reasons which are still debated, but believed to be largely exogenous to the policy conduct of individual cities. In addition, please recall that these results are in rates per capita, but our capita have themselves decreased about 2.5% during the reign of NO'Malley.

    The benchmark is therefore the national decrease of 24%, plus the 5% national decrease during his term, plus the decrease in Baltimore's population during his term, 2.5%. That's 31.5%, the national equivalent baseline, whereas NO'Malley turned in a performance of maybe 23.5%, so he underperformed the nation's cities by 8%.

    'Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do!'

  3. Impresive, you spelled his name right

    "Kweisi Mfume"

    I remember once after exams in highschool I saw Former State Senator Larry Young (aka Mr. Biggest Local Scandal 1997) and filmaker John Waters during an early lunch at the Wyman Park Diner.

  4. Dear God, why hast thou smited me with such annoying readers?

  5. *sniffles*

    You don't mean me, do you? :(

  6. of course not, you're one of the good ones. Some of my best friends are readers.
