Monday, August 28, 2006

August 28

orange_peelHerbert Wyche, who shot his neighbor, William Staten, in a dispute over an orange peel, got 20 years for attempted murder and a handgun count.

A man was fatally shot yesterday in Cherry Hill (#176).

Antawan Corprew, 23, of Edgewood, got 25 years for the murder of 18-year-old Gerald Hale III, whose decomposed remains were found at Aberdeen Proving Ground.

An inmate was stabbed at the pen in Jessup.

Police shredded documents pertinent to a civil rights lawsuit against the department.

Three teenagers were arrested for attacking homeless men near Harborplace.

Examiner's Stephen Janis alludes to T.S. Eliot, uses word "myriad" in story about city's auto impound lot. Did you know? The city and its hired subcontractors have towed more than 89,000 cars in the past year!
Police in Baltimore County are trying to discover the identity of a little boy, left, who was found naked and dirty outside the Motel 6 in Woodlawn.

In Southeast D.C., Cynthia Gray, 17, died saving her infant godson from gunfire.

Quote of the day: "I'm not planning to be a potted plant." -- Candidate for Maryland Attorney General, Stu Simms. FYI, he's running against Doug Gansler and like, two other guys.


  1. this most recent stabbing at jessup was not fatal.

  2. But the moral of the story is (as far as owning a car)...

    1) Pay your tickets.
    2) Don't drive with a suspended or expired license.
    3) Don't abandon your vehicle.

  3. LOL!!! The BPD shredded the files inadvertantly? Yeah, okay. I think I'll just give those lawyers some replacement copies.

  4. BTW, one of the 'other guys' running for AG was kicked out as ineligible. Dude named Perez. He hadn't practiced law in Maryland for 10 years, which is a requirement.

  5. Personally, I'd give that m-f#@ker the chair just for throwing those orange peels on that man's steps.

    I just came back from dealing with a dumpster which I rented to clean my yard and which is now overfull with trash, food, diapers, and rehabbers' debris, none of which is mine. I now need to pay to haul away everyone else's trash, and there isn't even any room left for mine, so it stays in my yard!

    And why can't I be there to police my yard against trespassers? Because i,... uh,..... what's that word? Work. Yeah, I go to WORK !

    I'm pissed. Boy, am I pissed.

    I hope orange peel man gets shanked while in custody.

  6. at the end of my junior year of college at hopkins, i got a job guarding a dumpster on hargrove alley near the corner of 30th street. they gave me a chair and a walkie talkie, and i was instructed to demand to see people's hopkins id's if they wanted to throw something in the dumpster. i sat there for six hours, reading a book, and nobody tried to dump anything at all. finally i got bored and sunburnt enough that i turned on the walkie talkie and said "i think i'm done for the day," and went home. i made $42 that day.

  7. I know that dumpster. Yeah, there was a whole lot of dumping up and down lovegrove and hargrove, but anytime there was a publicly accessible private dumpster, watch out.

    The curious thing is that you won't tend to find the garbage behavior in the communities from which the students originated, but once they see Baltimoreans dump they're real quick learners. I'd encourage the state government to authorize corporal punishment for garbage dumpers. It's just disgusting. Dirty papmpers? Why the heck should I have to clean up dirty pampers. I don't have any children.

  8. I know that dumpster. Yeah, there was a whole lot of dumping up and down lovegrove and hargrove, but anytime there was a publicly accessible private dumpster, watch out.

    The curious thing is that you won't tend to find the garbage behavior in the communities from which the students originated, but once they see Baltimoreans dump they're real quick learners. I'd encourage the state government to authorize corporal punishment for garbage dumpers. It's just disgusting. Dirty papmpers? Why the heck should I have to clean up dirty pampers. I don't have any children.

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