Thursday, August 31, 2006

August 31

Rickie Tinsley, shot while riding a bicycle in south Baltimore, has died. He was murder #179. (The Ink had previously counted Kevin Cooper, the 14-year-old shot by police.)

A woman and a child were shot last night on the 1600 block of McKean Avenue.

Cedrick Bowman, one of the six Bloods involved in firebombing Edna McAbier's house, got 15 (federal) years.
In HoCo, Monti Fleming, 15, will be charged as an adult.

The Leeander Blake case just won't go away. The Supreme Court ruled that incriminating statements he made after asking for a lawyer couldn't be used against him. Now he's been indicted. I'm confused.

The Guardian Angels are back in Baltimore and plan to patrol Fell's Point. The group is also re-emerging in Minneapolis and Phoenix, AZ. The group laid low for a while after it was revealed in the early '90s that its leader, Curtis Sliwa, had faked various crimes (including his own kidnapping) for publicity.
lap dance
Sorry, ladies, there are no lap dances allowed in PG County. Dollars now must be placed in g-strings with six-foot tongs.

WJZ: "City Surveillance Camera's Paying Off" And for writing students who want an example of the passive voice: "Police said it didn't appear anything was stolen, but it's more proof the city's surveillance system is working." Wow, I just realized every single sentence in that story has an error except one.

Dept. of Crappy Employers (subscription to Duly Wretched required for these links): The Baltimore office of Nasdaq has settled a discrimination claim with the EEOC after underpaying and failing to promote a black female employee. Jerks. And law firm McGuireWoods LLP was found to have violated the FMLA after telling an employee she could take time off to care for her ailing mother-- then firing her.

Oh, the irony: Martin Schultz, the director of a group that opposed mandatory helmet laws, died when his motorcycle collided with an SUV.

If you're into preening old men, the Cardin/Mfume debate is tonight at 7 on MPT.


  1. I think the homicide number is probably higher than that but we'll never know the true count.

  2. You could be right, fellow anonymous commenter. Let me consult my list of undetermined deaths this year. The finding of these bodies was reported in The Sun, but if the police/medical examiner ever came to any conclusion about them, The Sun never bothered printing that part (if they did and I just missed it please correct me):

    1) Said Sawab, 36, died in a fire caused by arson on 3/2/06 at his house in the 5500 block of Gwynn Oak Ave; his death was originally ruled a homicide but then it was "removed from the rolls pending an official decision by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program on whether it will be classified as a murder or accidental death" (from the 7/5/06 edition of Murder Ink), despite the fact that the two teenagers accused of setting the fire have been charged with first-degree murder.

    2) Ernest Miller, 58, found dead on 3/14/06 in the 6600 block of Holabird Ave.

    3) Lana Jean Whalen, 37, found dead on 4/5/06 on the shoulder of I-95 in Southeast Baltimore.

    4) Julia Kimberly Boussari, 34, found dead on 4/9/06 in the 1100 block of Druid Hill Ave.

    5) An unidentified male, who died on 5/27/06 after struggling with police in the 1800 block of Fleet St.

    6) Robert Benway, 45, who died on 7/1/06 after sustaining a head injury on the job at one of the city's ports on 6/26/06. There was a big article in The Sun recently about how this incident was never investigated by anybody and how none of the facts add up.

    7) An unidentified male, who was found hanging from the Hanover Street bridge on 8/17/06. This one I'll admit was probably suicide, but the last thing The Sun ever said about it was that the police were investigating and the body had been sent to the medical examiner to determine a cause of death.

    8) On the same day, the body of another unidentified male was found in the 500 block of South Vincent St.

    9) An unidentified male, found dead on 8/23/06 in the 600 block of North Paca St.

  3. Thanks for bringing this up, 'nons. I left a message and e-mail with the medical examiner's office about #s 2,3,5,6, 8 and 9 to ask if there's been any ruling yet. (If I get a call back is another matter-- saying you're a 'freelance writer' or 'concerned citizen' is usually a one-way ticket to the round file, but you never know).

    The Julia Boussari thing I found particularly puzzling, because the ME office said it was a homicide, and if I remember correctly, the BPD later said that her wound was self-inflicted. Wouldn't that be a medical Examiner call?

  4. Yes, the ME is the only oone who can state a determination as to death.Heres to hoping you get the info.

  5. Did I miss any in my list up there?

  6. Oh man, I almost forgot about the body they fished out of the Inner Harbor on May 13th. Is that included in the officiall homicide tally? I forget. I know the Sun never reported on whether they identified him or her or established a cause of death. When it happened they got an unofficial statement from someone that said it looked like he/she had bullet holes in him/her, but that was it.

  7. Yeah, me too. It's the weekend now, so it's not sounding very likely. I'll follow up Tuesday.

  8. you know :( said sawab was my uncle so i need some infos about the death please help :(
