Thursday, August 31, 2006

Mfume v. Cardin

Anybody watch the debate? When it comes to issues there isn't much of a difference (yes, Bush sucks, we know), but ... Cardin seemed stressed and had a constantly constipated expression, he even got downright whiny, and he sounded provincial calling Washington "Warshington." Mfume was poised and subtly but effectively pointed out his differences (he grew up in poverty, mom died at young age, he served in Vietnam, in contrast to Ben's nepotistic rise to power and lack of military service) and he certainly had the better-fitting suit. And it was most brave of him to say he was against gay-bashing and immigrant bashing. Advantage: Frizzell.

Meanwhile, low-polling candidite Allan Lichtman, his wife and a campaign worker were arrested while protesting the debate.


  1. Where did you get your information that Mfume served in Vietnam? From the biographical data I've read I can't find anything suggesting he had any connection to the Vietnam War.

  2. During the debate he claimed that he did, I thought. Unless I misunderstood him...
