Saturday, September 30, 2006

September 30

A man was shot dead at Park Heights & Quantico (at least 205).

.. speaking of Park Heights, when I was on Ed Norris the other day a guy called in to say that there had been a string of murders in Park Heights, "at least five or six" people duct-taped in their houses with their throats cut, but no one is reporting it. The freaky thing? It could well be true. But without the ME's office to say either way, the rumor can't be confirmed-- or denied. I also heard from a narcotics detective that there's "a war" going on in the NW that's taking the efforts of all six (!!!) City narcs. If I was a journalist I'd get up there and chase that story ... (TG I'm a blogger!)

A string of related burglaries in Timonuim and Sparks.

Jessup is being downgraded to a minimum-security prison, and prisoners from Supermax are supposted to go somewhere called North Branch.
Friday, former officer Candice Harlee testified about the pandemonium at Central Booking on the night Raymond Smoot died.

Perv: Andre C. King, PCG.


  1. Perhaps the Examiner will investigate the Park Heights Murders. I hope so. I don't think we'll get much from O'Sun about rashes of murders in the city until after November 7.


  2. Nope, wasn't me, but I'm not disagreeing, either.

    (410) 396-2466 is the number of the NW district HQ. Commdr. Tiedemann will likely be willing to confirm/deny a multiple homicide.

  3. Park Heights? Duct-taped? Throats cut? I heard that on the street from a couple different people (people who definitely don't know each other too). In fact, word on the street is that it was two brothers who did it and they came for roughly 1kg of uncut raw that they were stashing in that house. I mean, Baltimore Crime may say we're at 215, the BCPD may say we're at 203 or 205, but in reality, we're probably at atleast 230-235. I mean, they've got to *find* the body before they start saying someone got killed generally, right?

  4. Thursday, 11:30! It was neat to talk to him, he was such a great commissioner, seems like a sincere guy who really wants to make things better. I heard that the FBI was after O'malley and he gave up Ed for what they both did (and that mayors and commissioners had been doing for years). True?

    230- 245 would not shock me. I did hear of a guy who was convicted without a body a long time ago but I think it hardly ever happens. And without the Medical Examiner to say, there is no way to know.

    The Sun could be calling the districts every day and asking about murders but I wonder if they're even making those calls routinely. Anything could be happening out there.

  5. any chance you can post an mp3 or something of your appearance on the ed norris show? or if that would be too much of a legal difficulty for you, could you maybe email one to people?

  6. Another shooting in the head on the 2600 block, Oswego Ave. in NW district. Homicide took place around 10:30 pm this evening.

  7. for a clip you could try calling the producer Maynard at 410-825-1000 x273. I never got one (didn't ask)

  8. There's definitely got to be a war going on, I'm trying to find more out about it now. I remember about nine months ago there was a major beef between the Bloods and some other semi-national crew (maybe it was Purple City Dipset?, I can't remember.) There were all these shootings and shoot-outs, mostly from Wylie down to Keyworth. So the BCPD cracked down on all the drug-dealers, including all the loosely organized neighborhood crews that didn't have gang-support. Basically, if the police saw someone who was black driving a car (up or down Pimlico generally) either alone or with one other person they would immediately pull them over and search the car. Pending finding drugs or money, they would say, "Find us a gun, and we'll let you go with your drugs/money." This one individual I spoke with told me that he had 3 of his people locked up in one day, and he had to trade a gun in for each of them to be released.

    I've always believed that in certain situations, you need to do what you need to do to resolve the issue, but damn.. BCPD's tactics are ridiculous sometimes.

  9. Well, only about a week and a half ago, a local Bloods set murdered two young males with a shotgun at Guilford & 22nd. At least one of the victims was a known Black Urban Guerrilla, a local offshoot of the California-based Crip affiliate. The local Blood sets are affiliated with the Wilmington, DE organization, and recruit largely through the Hagerstown facility, which they kind of control.

    When the nationals get their acts together here, this Baltimore police dept. is just going to be overwhelmed.

  10. On the subject of pulling in guns, give me a break. A low-end handgun costs $50 retail street price, but $25 for a used twofer through a national, no serials, no questions.

    How do you expect to keep those out of your city at that price?

  11. I don't see how anyone can make any money selling guns that cheap unless they're stolen; and stealing a volume large enough to compensate seems pretty difficult.

    I was under the impression that a new 9mm glock hand-gun generally goes for $250.00-300.00, a used goes for $150.00 -- serials filed off. And people tend to ditch the toaster after single use unless they're actively trying to goto prison.

    I heard it's common to ditch them in "the ocean." When I replied that Baltimore isn't right next to the ocean, and did he mean, "the harbor?" my info source said, "That isn't the ocean?" Perhaps the geographic knowledge isn't there, but people know well enough to get rid of their weapons, so they must be cheap enough.

  12. The GLOCK 17/18 series are fairly durable, for a plastic gun, and have an all-metal barrel which files easily.

    The result is a weapon which can be recycled by a professional organization with an interest in moving single-use weapons around the country. It's not a profit center, it's a fringe benefit

    So, law enforcement's ability to match a known weapon to a database of slugs is different from its ability to match a known slug to a database of weapons.

    Doesn't make it fool-proof, but then again, you're not exactly dealing with risk-averse consumers.

    A side benefit to the organization is that if a nonmember purchases a weapon (caveat emptor), gets pinched with it, and it gets matched, a member's case just got closed. Hurray.

    The purchaser generally won't snitch on his supplier, because he's headed into a long stretch with the supplier's members as roomies, who might not take kindly to that.

    These weapons aren't really for pro hits, they're for junkies holding up liquor stores, who aren't the sharpest tacks in the box.

  13. Here's a link to today's article in the Charleston press on your subject.
