Sunday, October 1, 2006

October 1

♥ the law? Check out the Supreme Court preview for this month.

This week, MedImmune battles Genentech [<-subscription required] for the rights to palivizumab, a bioengineered antibody, at The Supreme Court.

William C. Bond, author of "Self-portrait of a Patricide: How I Got Away with Murder," won a case against the Bank of America for improperly releasing financial records to his wife's ex in a custody case [<-subscription required].

Godson M. NnakaGodson M. Nnaka (right), a Baltimore lawyer who happens to be running for President of Nigeria, had sex-offense charges dropped against him[<- subscription required] by the Baltimore City state's attorney's office.
Say charging documents, a 16-year-old girl came to Nnaka's office with two friends, wanting to hire him to represent her boyfriend in a criminal case. The girl said she let Nnaka grope her in exchange for his promise to reduce his fee. One of the friends picked up a pair of scissors to defend herself(?) ; Nnaka then escorted them from his office, the girls then flagged down a police car and made a report.

A man shot in the 1400 block of W. Baltimore St. is in critical condition at shock trauma.

Best PIO o'Balto Sviatko: Smoot guards attended a "party where apparently everybody got their stories straight."

There's only one time sports will be mentioned here, and that's when the over-esteemed, overpaid jockstaps break the law! Yes, sounds like three O's shot steroids like Mexican dairy cows. Tsk, tsk.

hookerHoCo cops party with hookers, display porn, taxpayers fork out $75g.

Greedy, consorting cops pulled burning-car scheme to buy an Asscalade in Frederick.

Would be nice but isn't exactly true: Ehrlich sent out mailer alleging FBI probe of O'Malley's management of the BPD. Other election news:Yawn.

Media notes: the Sun's line appears to be to not cover too much crime because it's hard to sell ads next to depressing stories.
OR ... is the crime writing just boring?
The NYPost gets the tone right and embraces the drama and still manages to sell ads (next) to death. Or maybe it's that the NYP has more interesting stories to cover.


  1. We need more entertaining crime? Is that why The Sun earns a mere 12% in your poll of best source for local news?

    Maybe they should get a copy of Wag the Dog.

  2. Oh, and if the Justice Department is having difficulty finding the file on its investigation into the improper practices of the Baltimore City Police Department, I'll be happy to furnish them with a brand spankin' new manila file folder for that purpose.

    Maybe I'll even do the same for the clerks at BCPD who shredded court-protected files in the civil-rights case because they purportedly had no folders.

  3. This totally nonlocal, but check out what some outraged inmates did to a creep who abducted, raped, and murdered a 10 year-old girl.

  4. Just an FYI: The link to the article on HoCo cops forking out $75K for sex harassment sends readers to the LA Times story on the O's (alleged) roid-heads.

  5. i think writing tv news is really formulaic... NY or British tabloid reporters, that's the ticket. And a new format.
