Sunday, October 1, 2006

You're so Cheap!

The most trusted news souce of news a la BCrime readers is ...
the City Paper!!
Yes, the journal that features "Smut" on the cover this week, illustrated by a biblio-glory hole and an typographed male part.

Second-most relied on: WBAL, tied with the Examiner. In fourth, the Sun. In dead last, WMAR.
Okay, I'll bite, why do you hate the Sun so much? (no copping answers from


  1. Makes sense to me. City Paper's the only local publication that focuses on city issues and is written by folks who actually live in the city. The Sun & The Examiner are suburban in comparison. Yes, I didn't especially care for this week's issue, but what's the alternative?

  2. D's C,

    Have you heard anything about a dead body that was found in a house on E Baltimore and S Robinson Streets? The police were knocking on doors around the neighborhood yesterday looking for information.

  3. No, haven't heard anything about that at all!
    Tell me if you find anything out!

  4. The police told my neighbor that the body was a white woman in her 30's. They would not provide any other information. Was she murdered? overdose? WHAT???? The police seem annoyed by my questions.

    If anyone has any further information on this, it would be appreciated. The news stations didn't seem to pick up the story. It's amazing that a body rotting in a Patterson Park rowhome doesn't make the news! sad.

  5. Why do I dislike the Sun? Let me count the ways.

    1) Their editors interfere with staff coverage of news. I've seen good, investigative journalism canned because it wouldn't reflect well on some or another political figure.

    2) When you read the local news coverage, you can just feel the strings being pulled. It's the content, the timing, and in particular the selection of interviewees on a subject.

    It's always the same angle because the reporters keep being steered to the same inside 'experts'. They should test their coverage by interviewing unconnected specialists to see what their take is.

  6. Mondy, my guess is ....

    if it's a white woman in her 30's, they won't release squat until they establish that it either wasn't or unavoidably, definitely was a murder. In the meantime, they'll sit on it, because we don't want white people to think they can get killed in Patterson Park,... even if they sorta can.

    If it's a black person in his/her 30's, then they'll state that it was a possibly suspicious death, but don't worry because he/she is likely a drug-connected casualty. So, don't sweat if if you're white.

  7. any suggestions on how the residents of Patterson Park can find out more about this? Is that even allowable for the police to not release information about this ? A few neighbors saw them roll out with a body bag!!!! We are not just going to roll over and ignore the fact that a BODY was found on our street!

    three homes down and you have a house on the market for over $300,000. GOOD LUCK scheduling open houses when police are pulling rotting carcases from vacant homes.

  8. That stuff in Patterson Park sounds like something off "The Wire"

    But in all seriousness, to the poster that said the police seem annoyed... they probably are, so keep asking

    I annoyed the homicide dept so much this summer they knew me by name when I called and they heard my voice, but I got results. Sometimes u have to be an a-hole to get results in Baltimore.

  9. I would call Jim Kraft's office, (410) 396-4821. He chairs Public Safety subcommittee and, while you're at it, consider asking his position on City Council action to either 1) force the department to hire more cops now or 2) authorize the State to use State Police in Baltimore.

  10. Did you try calling your police district HQ (Eastern?) or the Medical Examiner's office (410) 333-3250?

    OMG, I just tried to look up the police phone number and got a "file not found"!)

  11. You can try Maj. Dodson at the Eastern, 410 396-2433, but be aware that a homicide will be assigned to that unit centrally, so the District Commander may not be in a position to confirm or deny, and will refer questions to public affairs. You could try Sviatko.

  12. Blooper. You're in SE District, whose commander is Kundrat, (410)396-2422.

  13. Galt, anonymous, thanks for your input!

    This reminds me of the guy who was murdered on South Collington last year (west side of the park). The lack of reporting by the local media about this incident is why I ended up on this blog in the first place.

    Galt, I'll try to contact Jim Kraft. He has personally helped me with some other issues, so I'll see where that leads.

  14. Hello all- I am new to the site...but am a concerned Patterson Park resident and I took the advice offered and followed up sending a message to Jim Kraft- Who promptly replied to my email and forwarded it on Maj Kundrat...I am hoping for a response sometime soon and will be sure to give you an update. Thanks for all the advice- it is good to know I am not the only one concerned out there...

  15. Has anyone found out any more details regarding the body found on E Baltimore/S Robinson?

  16. Im wondering if this person was a friend of mine who they recently found dumped on baltimore St , after ODing.. How can I get details or info on that person???
