Monday, October 2, 2006

October 2: 'Happy' Yom Kippur

There was a double shooting on Castle street on the east side.

A fatal shooting at 6 a.m. on the 3800 block of Lyndale Ave. in the Northeast (<208). Update: a suspect was taken into custody after a standoff.

Two murders Saturday (<206-207). Jemel Carter, 18 was killed on Oswego Ave., (first reported by galt)
and Victor Council, 43, was shot on the 1400 block of Baltimore Street.
The man killed Friday (205) was ID'd as Lamont Brown.

A Baltimore County judge is due to sentence Matthew Horner today for trying to fake the suicide of his wife Lorraine. She lived and is expected to give a victim-impact statement.

Eighteen-year-old Loneil A. Smith was murdered in PCG Sunday morning.

A 16-year old boy was shot in the shoulder, and former president of the police union Frederick Roussey was hit by a truck while directing traffic downtown.

Terrence Gunnels was fatally shot near the Great Frederick fairgrounds.

Rockville police are questioning a delivery-truck driver in the dragging death of grandmother Ketty Alvarado, 69.

The penalty for being a drunk-driving teen just went up.

Former circulation manager fpr the PGC and MoCo "Sentinels" was convicted of stealing $288k.

One would think the prison system would be happy to let inmates atone any day.

Wow, Jill Carter has never been a shrinking violet! She rages against the Mayor's arrest practices in this undated feature. "The person that's the mayor of Baltimore shouldn't be the mayor or the governor. He has no interest in furthering the agenda of the people he represents or empowering anyone."

Washington Post: "the murder count ... remains a political liability" for O'Malley, reports the town went to hell after Norris left.
Mayor: "the downside [of setting the goal of 175 homicides] is far outweighed by the number of lives we saved."
Meanwhile, Team O'M says state and federal police and drug-treatment money dropped after 2002, team Ehrlich says it went up.

Five victims plus the gunman Charles Carl Roberts IV are dead after a hostage situation in a school in a small town in Lancaster County, Pa.

TX supreme court refused to legalize "obscene devices.".


  1. Just for the record, Yom Kippur is not a "happy" holiday's the holiest day of the year, and the most somber and introspective.

  2. Ghee O'Malley or Ehrlich, who do we believe? NEITHER!

    Ed Norris or Kristin Mahoney, who do we believe? ED NORRIS! Even as a now convicted felon, he has more credibility than Mahoney and O'Malley

  3. Nope, he can't vote or own a gun. He could run for elected office though...

  4. I think it means Ed Norris can't vote. Good point. Maybe if dems and reps see it as a block to the white male vote, they will deal with the issue more reasonably.

    On the Carter interview, which seems very honest to me, I wonder what the more recent numbers looks like. The chart has number from 2004 and 2005. What are the 2005-2006 numbers. Did the numbers change since the issue was raised?

  5. I don't know about the other counties, but I published Baltimore's 2006 numbers a few days ago. The SA's office is averaging about 24 percent of arrests being thrown out so far this year.

  6. that table shows it at 22.6 percent .. so things have gotten worse!

  7. FYI:

    Unaudited internal YTD 2006 percentage change in select categories from the same period in 2005:

    property crime down 3%
    violent crime down 7%

    In Northern for the same period:

    robberies up 25%
    agg. assault down 23%
    homicide unchanged
    violent crime down 3%
    property crime up 2%

    Citywide arrests:
    Arrests for YTD 2006 about 75,000
    drug arrests, same about 20,000

  8. Hey guys, former Baltimore City Police officer Jemini Jones is at it again.

  9. just a few thoughts------

    Instead of holding MOM to his broken promise of 175 murders we should now applaud him for the lives he's saved hmmm

    Could federal funding have decreased b/c of MOMs lies and manipulated data hmmmm

    If Robert Clay was murdered how many more like him have gone uncounted hmmmm

    If Clark was fired for investigating Sean Malone why is no one else pursuing investigation like FBI, or are they hmmmmm

    If Norris covered for MOM why won't he talk now hmmmmmm

    If Billy Murphy gives a darn about illegal arrests why hasn't his brilliance filed suit rather than exploit it to promote Ehrlich hmmmmmmm

    If MOM directs thousands of unwarranted arrests just to get numbers why is he not under investigation or indictment; or, if SA Jessamy, refuses to charge thousands of perfectly good cases, why is she not under investigation or indictment -------one is right one is wrong, there is no maybe, shouldn't whichever one is wrong should be gone hmmmmmmmmm

  10. just a few thoughts------

    Instead of holding MOM to his broken promise of 175 murders we should now applaud him for the lives he's saved hmmm

    Could federal funding have decreased b/c of MOMs lies and manipulated data hmmmm

    If Robert Clay was murdered how many more like him have gone uncounted hmmmm

    If Clark was fired for investigating Sean Malone why is no one else pursuing investigation like FBI, or are they hmmmmm

    If Norris covered for MOM why won't he talk now hmmmmmm

    If Billy Murphy gives a darn about illegal arrests why hasn't his brilliance filed suit rather than exploit it to promote Ehrlich hmmmmmmm

    If MOM directs thousands of unwarranted arrests just to get numbers why is he not under investigation or indictment; or, if SA Jessamy, refuses to charge thousands of perfectly good cases, why is she not under investigation or indictment -------one is right one is wrong, there is no maybe, shouldn't whichever one is wrong should be gone hmmmmmmmmm

  11. No argument here.

    I say, let's have FBI investigate the whole crew at Baltimore City criminal justice.

    O'Malley. Jessamy. Malone. Hamm. and especially Michael Enright, who has already been fingered by the former Commissioner as O'Malley's vehicle for interfering in BCPD matters.

    As for the lives he's saved, excuse me? Is he a paramedic or something? Or are you referring to the work product of the understaffed police and neighborhood-watching citizens of Baltimore?

    Martin O'Malley has done.... a buncha photo ops.

  12. Oh, and anyone remember how O'Malley didn't want his crime numbers audited?

    Hey, guys, do the audit. The Shock Trauma data (counting all centers) seems very very consistent with the proposition that the magnitude of violent crime reductions are overstated by about 60%. That is to say a reduction of 25%, rather than 40%, since 1999, as claimed.

    I don't even get why the election would matter. Audit those crooked numbers; I don't care if Mickey Mouse is Governor and Donald Duck is Lt. Gov..

  13. Oh, by the way, since the State Police have already told me they cannot conduct ops in Baltimore City without it's permission, please call your councilmen and demand that they pull out of Uncle Bobby Curran's judiciary committee the bill authored by Keiffer Mitchell to request and authorize State Troops in city limits. Once that bill is passed, all this nonsense about who did or didn't follow up becomes moot and we get our State Troopers.

  14. maybe it's just my computer, but your yom kippur picture on the front page is covering up half of the words on your blog.

  15. I believe the BCPD have taken into custody a YAAM in connection with the dead elderly woman on Biddison Ln. whose gunshot to the head went amazingly unnoticed.

  16. 14 year-old Devon Richardson is being charged as an adult in that murder, committed with a rifle.

  17. Jeez, there was another double shooting at a downtown club on Calvert Street, one fatal, and another gunshot murder up by Northwood Plaza in Northeast District.

    Baltimore City Police report murders are up 6 over this time last year.

    The crime in Baltimore is only one of the objections to the Mayor in this youtube spoof.

  18. Any more news on the double shooting on Castle Street? A freshman from my high school was murdered yesterday afternoon, someone with him also shot, and this hint at Castle Street is the most news I've been able to find. A horrible day of crying students and teachers.

  19. No, not a thing about high school students.
    Is it possible for two high school students to be murdered and no one to notice?

    That info was from a Fox news ticker, and that's all it was, nothing on their web site or anything more than that. Which is chilling, whoever they were.

    What school was it?

  20. Y'know, when there are so many shootings that you can't quite keep track of 'em, there's a problem somewhere.

    Some counties have a murder every 40 days or so. Here it's not even 40 hours.

    Sounds like a crime emergency to me, but then again I'm told I'm an alarmist.

  21. Owens and Thompson are the first co-defendants to win new trials after murder convictions. Kirk Bloodsworth was the first defendant to be exonerated through DNA after a murder (and capital, at that) conviction in Maryland.

  22. I kinda support the idea that when the justice system is conclusively wrong because exculpatory evidence (using new techniques) becomes available. There will, I'm sure, be some fine line about cases where the evidence was available at trial and counsel failed to raise the defense. That should not give rise to retrial. We'll have to cross those bridges as they arise.

  23. Back to zenchick's comment. The header was sarcasm.

    And Yom Kippur is in fact a happy holiday if you understand that G-d has provided the atonement through Yeshua.

    It is a day of spiritual warfare, as evidenced by the Amish shooter reliving past sins on such as day!
