Wednesday, October 18, 2006

October 18

At arraignment today, Zachary James, charged with two counts of murder (and implicated in four, says Hamm), pled not guilty to both counts. The court set a January 17, 2007 trial date.

Murder #220 was a 17-year-old boy from Cherry Hill, shot in the 2800 block of Carver Road last night.
(Check out the video, hear the "homocide" rate still a major concern. Damn those homos!)

That's nice! Homicide suspect Demetries Sturgis was caught after someone saw his picture on the tv.

From an anon reader: "Did you see this? Everyone in Baltimore who crows about expungement should read it— waste of fucking time!" Not if you're trying to create a permanent underclass it ain't!

The Ink covers murders of Donnie Blanding, 22; Glenn Carlton, 38; Antionio Hill, 16.

Anna Ditkoff explains last week's mysterious SA's office press release regarding the "call-in" for violent offenders.

Renato Cawthorne, 37, was arrested for the shooting death of Jonathan Coles, 23, last December.
A man was shot during the course of a robbery in the Western.

"Stomper" in Greenbelt: MS-13 bunch of wacked-out, murderous drunks.
In Howard County, Ghafour Asemani, left, who choked his wife Samira Salmassi almost to death, got the maximum for attempted murder, 30 years.

A possible homicide on the 500 block of Center Drive in Severna Park yesterday afternoon.

Dept. of Booze and Nudity
AAC's Calvin F. Johnson was shot twice by police, now he's being charged with assault and drunken driving. JZ reports Johnson claimed he left because he had to pick up his son ... though he had cocaine, alcohol and PCP in his system.

Marquis Bridgewater, 22, is accused of raping a drunk 16-year-old girl at the Woodstock Job Corps Center on Old Court Road.

Chief liquor board inspector, "we will have to keep an eye on" Scores strip club; naked boobies on the second floor could get "dangerous."

Though a judge found Howard County officer Edward Thatcher not guilty of exposing himself to a co-worker, the internal affairs investigation continues.

Former Harford County Council President Robert S. Wagner: I regret getting blind drunk at 8 a.m., driving, falling on face.


  1. Expunge your old "minor" crimes? WHY??? Break the law, pay the consequences...I could care less if your a minor or if you can't get a job some day because of it...that's what a punishment IS...if you are dumb enough to break the law, you should be condemned to a life of underprivilege. I have absolutely no mercy or care for lawbreakers.

  2. Is it about expunging minor crimes or arrests and charges that never got anywhere?

    The big problem here is with employers finding out about large numbers of false arrests which are not labeled false.

    Gee, a teacher in Dickey Hill got carjacked and another Cherry Hill teen became the 220th murder last night. 15 kids have been arrested for murder this year. Oh, to be young again in Baltimore.

  3. In Maryland, only expungements of non-convictions and some pbj's are permitted. Expungements of minor crimes upon convicyion are not expungeable.

    Arrests w/o charges are expungeable only if a person agrees not to sue.

    So, Anonymous, you'd rather use your hard earned tax dollars to pay for welfare for perpetual unemployables with records for urinating in public, carrying an open container of beer, or even possessing cds way back when? Or, maybe you'd rather have them hit you or me upside the head to take our money from us since we can get jobs?Makes a lot of sense.
    I bet you think O'Malley is a good mayor, too!

  4. No, actually I think O'Malley pretty much sucks as a mayor. Not one policy maker is tough enough on crime for my tastes. On another note, if you don't want to get shot in the head for your hard earned 10 dollars, just avoid Baltimore City completely...yes, that is sarcasm...

  5. Because, Non, you could get arrested for sitting on your own porch, stealing your own car, or calling the police because someone is breaking into the home you own. Most of the people arrested are lawbreakers, but way too many people are having their lives ruined by being in the wrong place at the wrong time in front of an officer with a quota.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. D's C,

    Don't forget you can also get arrested for asking a Cherry Hill cop directions to I-95.

  8. Expungement for an open container may not be possible, if it's a civil offense.

    I tried expunging a civil citation for possession of alcohol as a minor (20 not yet 21) and the court clerk said civil citations can't be expunged, because they are not criminal.

    Of course an employer looking at my court record will assume it's a criminal record of some kind.
