Thursday, October 19, 2006

October 19

Patterson Park, West side:
The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Donnell Williams, 23, of Conkling Street on first-degree murder and other counts. Court documents allege Williams was identified on camera beating and kicking Cecil Saunders, 28, about the head at the Executive Inn in the 3600 block of Pulaski Highway. Saunders died as a result of his injuries. An arraignment is scheduled for November 16 before Judge John P. Miller.

West Side/ Gwynns Falls
The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Jonathan Brock, 20, of Harlem Avenue on first-degree murder. Court documents allege on July 28, before he died, Teon White, 25, identified Brock as the person responsible for shooting him in the 2100 block of Koko Lane. An arraignment is scheduled for November 17, before Judge Gale E. Rasin.

A woman allegedly raped by Southwest Baltimore police officer Jemini Jones has filed a $1 million lawsuit against him and two other members of the police "flex squad" gang.

The boy fatally shot in Cherry Hill Tuesday (220) was ID'd as Cornett Robinson, 16.
And 15-year-old Gerryl Boatwright was arrested for killing 16-year-old Bernard Davis on N. Castle Street, juvenile murder #22.

You just can't make this stuff up: Cancer-stricken septuagenarian Harry Gehlert is suing the police for arresting him after his toilet overflowed.

How this can be construed as a new trend is beyond me ... as usual, young hoods, female muggers and homicidal arsonists are honing their skills in Mount Vernon. Note use of "bumming a cigarette" in course of mugging

An eagle-eyed reader notice homicide #221 in the above story ... Marcus Rogers, who was beaten and had his apartment set on fire, died Tuesday.

Examintertorial: citizens, grand jurors deserve response from Mayor re. ignored Grand Jury report.

File under NW female body:
Two children found a body yesterday in Owings Mills.

The Feds indicted James Abu Bangura and Dartanion Antwon Wallace for a bunch of local bank robberies; Donnell Berry got 170 months for PCG and MoCo bank robberies; Kevin Dewight Honesty, busted by DNA from a hat, got 25 years for robbing the Silver Spring SunTrust.

Edgewood home invaders forced victims to strip, stole clothes, wallets, cell phone.

A hostage situation in a PGC carryout ended with the arrest of two people.

Jay Fayne, found shot to death by his son in Severna Park, was charged by Feds in June with loan-sharkery.

File under sex, music, pedo:
A former violin solist with the BSO, Timothy Baker, pled not guilty to sexual assault and indecency in CT after being accused of acts with a 16-year-old girl in Texas.


  1. so i guess that's murder #221, and it's totally buried in the article about a spike in robberies in mt. vernon. great reporting!

  2. wow, you're right ... WBAL reported the beating and burning on the 13th, but this is the first mention (that I know of) that the poor guy died.

  3. does anyone know what happened in Fells Point early this morning?? Apparently there was a guy on some neighborhood roofs with a gun?
    I dont know....I am new to this site, but, I really hope the new trend in Fells Point gun crimes gets reported, it is way too many, way too often, and the yuppies dont want anyone to know because it'll bring down the "value" of their yuppie-houses.

  4. Anonymous,

    I had called 911, about three months ago, to report a person who was walking on rooftops across from the north side of Patterson Park. Of course, I spent 15 minutes on the phone with the 911 operator because he asked me four times to repeat the address, and another 15 minutes waiting for the police to arrive- only to find two cop cars drive by the intersection without stopping. The perp decided to leave after he saw the cop cars go by.

    I'm wondering if this is the same guy.

  5. Suggestion: when they ask whether or not you'd like to see the responding officer, if you say that's unnecessary, they just drive by unless they see a crime in progress. If you ask them to see you, then they'll generally see the incident through to completion.

  6. Hey, guy, watch Jayne Miller's I-Team report on WBAL ch. 11 news. Apparently, the O'Malley campaign has restated the numbers on claimed crime reduction in Baltimore City.

  7. Flash:

    Shooting around 1900 block, Pennsylvania Ave at Roberts. The victim is being rusher to medical attention.

  8. galt do you have a police scanner or something?

  9. If you do, let me know, because I just heard gunshots and sirens.

  10. The O'Malley campaign has backed its violent crime reduction numbers down to about 30%, reflecting improvements since 2000. Good thing, because, you know, the FBI doesn't accept his 1999 numbers, either.

    Now, some of that is not attributable to actual reductions, but rather to the increasing disinclination in Baltimore B to report crimes, because at best cops ignore us. At worst, the reporting citizen might well be arrested without charges.

    Also, 2.5% of the decrease is because of the number of residents who've fled Baltimore since 2000.

  11. The I-Team report is here.

    Also, a bunch of people were trampled tonight at a rap concert at Morgan State in Northeast Baltimore.

  12. that story about the old guy getting hauled out of his apartment by swat was funny... sure, it's a tale, but does anyone really think this guy has a serious case and that the police are at fault? his toilet leaks, he can't hear anyone knocking on his door, someone calls the cops, the cops get info that the guy might be crazy and shooting out windows across the street or something, so they bring him in for an emergency eval. the doctor checks him out and releases him.

    now, if the cops hauled him off to central booking anyway, then i guess i could see a greater issue here. but at least in this case, the "system" seemed to work. that guy should sue the neighbor who accused him of shooting out windows. or his building owner for shoddy plumbing. or his hearing aid manufacturer. don't waste our tax dollars man!

    jeez. i mean, what do you expect when you call the cops? if they think some dude is holed up with a gun or bb gun, of course they're gun bring in swat. it happens every damn day in this godforsaken city. the swat team is practically as busy as patrol.

  13. Waitaminit.

    What about probable cause? If I tell someone you have a bb gun, which is lawful, and the police don't even find one, what is the basis for the probable cause?

    Police in Baltimore seem to think

    probable cause: do whatever the hell I please.

  14. good point on probable cause. no, it's not illegal to own a bb gun. but it's used as a weapon and can do damage. when a gangbanger points a bbgun at your head in the darkness, and asks for your cellphone, you think it's a gun and it's considered a robbery. but when a cop stops and frisks that same gangbanger, and all he finds is a bbgun in his dip, he can't do a thing about it. Possession of an illegal handgun doesn't apply. the best is that he hopes to catch him in the act of holding someone up.

    but back to the old guy: the story left out all sorts of variables which will most likely mitigate the police's seemingly overthetop response on this one. maybe the cops thought the man wasn't in his right mind. maybe the cops took him to the hospital while others tore up his place looking for the bb gun. at that point, the cops will claim they have probable cause to search his place, and a judge will most likely rule in their favor. (imminent environmental hazard, no one answering door, neighbor reports possible use of bb gun to target others...what judge will fault the cops for going in, subduing the man, and searching the place? not one in Baltimore, at least.)

    they're swat, not necessarily trained physicians or psychiatrists. it's telling that they took him for an eval first, and not straight to central booking. if anything, this seems like a case of ageism: old guy doesn't APPEAR to have control of his surroundings, so they take him in to be on the safe side. on the flip side, cops do worry if they show up at something like this, and dont do anything, and then something sh-tty happens to the old guy later, then they get blamed for it.

    unfortunately, police have to respond based on the best info available to them, and they have to followup on tips from the public, which can sometimes be so wrong. (and yes, i know that some city cops are just as likely to not follow up on ANY tips). but then if they don't followup, they get slammed for it. if somebody just said the dude's toilet was flooding and he was deaf, it probably wouldn't have been an issue. sorry, feel like i'm rambling and i'm going to sleep now.

  15. I think in Baltimore City BB guns are illegal, but as for probable cause...the police only need reasonable suspicion coupled with a reliable and independant informant (and in this case and emergency).

  16. I believe that it is only illegal for minors to own BB or airguns in Baltimore City. At least that was what I was told when I was looking into purchasing a pellet gun to deal with the rats running around in my alley.

  17. Just checked the BC Code. You can have a Gas or air pellet gun, but you can't use it. BCC ART 19 SEC 59-26(b) discharge or use prohibited.

  18. No, I disagree. Reasonable suspicion is only the standard for a Terry stop. An arrest requires probable cause. Probable cause may be based upon a reliable source of information that a suspect is actually engaged in criminal activity. If that is the basis here, the reliable source's name must be released. The Supreme Court has opined that probable cause may depend upon the accumulated expertise of an officer, in which case we in Baltimore are frequently in deep doo-doo.
